Writer’s Corner: What it means to be an indie author

You Are a Business

So you want to be an indie author.

You like to write, and maybe you’re good at it. You might even have written a book and published it. Now what?

What many people don’t realize, is that when you become an indie author, you are also an author business, and there’s more to it than just publishing a book. Hopefully, you have enough pride in your writing to want it to be , so you put your manuscript in front of an editor, or at least another set of eyes, then polished it to make it shine before you hit publish. But it’s after you hit that publish button that the real work starts.

Why? Because books don’t sell themselves. No one will buy your book if they never see it. You have to do something, or a lot of somethings, to get your book in front of readers’ eyes.

Isn’t that what Amazon is for? The answer is yes and no. Amazon’s marketing is based on several algorithms, and when although many things are still guesswork concerning those algorithms, one thing is for sure. The books they pick up on for promotion are books that are already doing well. Also, you have better chances of making some of the lists which get promotion if you are a KU author and your book is exclusive on Amazon.

So what does that mean for you? Well, it means that you have to do the heavy lifting of marketing and promotion to get your book selling before Amazon, (or other retailers), are going to see it as a book worth promoting. You need to draw in readers and stack up reviews, and we’re talking lots of them, so you can make those algorithms sit up and pay attention.

How do we do that? There are many avenues of promotion for your book, so that really depends on the route or routes that work best for you and your book. We’ll get back to the promotion in a bit.

Getting Reviews

But getting reviews requires research into book reviewers who are out there and what type of books they like to review, and making a list of those that read your genre. In my case, I’m a multi-genre author, so I have several lists. Then you write-up a press release to act as your official review request. Then you send that press release out to every reviewer on the list who might be interested in reviewing your list. There are a lot of reviewers out there, so your list may be a long one. I send out between 50 and 100 review requests for every book I publish, and from that, I may get four or five reviews, if I’m lucky.

You can also try making connections in the blogging community and asking blogger friends to review in exchange for an ARC or join a review group, like Sandra’s Book Club, where you list your book for a month in exchange for giving a review of someone else’s book. During your month you could potentially recieve two or three reviews.

You might also try building a street team of reviewers, who agree to review your book in exchange for an ARC copy of your book, and post it on or around release day. But this is more work, because it is your job to follow through and make sure they actually post their reviews.

Promoting Your Book

There are many avaneues of promotion. If you want paid promotions, which are always recommended, but not always affordable, there are Amazon Ads, Facebook Ads, BookBubs, The Fussy Libraian, King Sumo, Bargain Booksie, Free Booksie, and the list goes on. I don’t use paid ads, but I know they are available if I want them.

Social media promotion is the most easily accessible avenue for promoting your book. It is as easy as creating a post that tells us something about the book to make us want to buy it, has a call to action, and a purchase link, then promoting it to groups whose members are in your target audience and might be interested in your book.

My main tool for promotion is this blog. Most of my promotions start off here and then I promote the blog post on social media channels. A blog post is more permanant than a social media post, which easily gets lost in the scroll. I have people reacting or commenting on posts a week after I post it, but when it is a blog post, it is still there no matter when someone clicks on the link.


The point to all of this is that indie authors have to be able to do more than just write books. You are actually an author business and you are totally responsible for the success, (or failure), of your books. Getting reviews and promoting the book are only part of it. What are you doing about book covers? What about the back cover copy? Are you creating your own ads, or paying someone else to do it? These are things an indie author has to think about. You need an overall business plan and a marketing plan for each book. That’s why I wrote The D.I.Y. Author.

The D.I.Y. Author

Now you can learn from my experiences with a writing reference for building an author business.

About the Book

Being an author today is more than just writing the book. Authors in this digital age have more opportunities than ever before. Whether you pursue independent or traditional publishing models, or a combination of the two but being an author involves not only writing, but often, the publishing and marketing of the book.

In this writer’s reference guide, multi-genre author and independent publisher, Kaye Lynne Booth shares her knowledge and experiences and the tools, books, references and sites to help you learn the business of being an author.

Topics Include:

Becoming Prolific

Writing Tools


Making Quality a Priority

Publishing Models & Trends

Marketing Your Book

Book Covers & Blurbs

Book Events—In Person & Virtual

And more…

On Pre-order Now: https://books2read.com/The-DIY-Author


About the Author

For Kaye Lynne Booth, writing is a passion. Kaye Lynne is an author with published short fiction and poetry, both online and in print, including her short story collection, Last Call and Other Short Fiction; and her paranormal mystery novella, Hidden Secrets; Books 1 & 2 of her Women in the West adventure series, Delilah and Sarah, and her Time-Travel Adventure novel, The Rock Star & The Outlaw. Kaye holds a dual M.F.A. degree in Creative Writing with emphasis in genre fiction and screenwriting, and an M.A. in publishing. Kaye Lynne is the founder of WordCrafter Quality Writing & Author Services and WordCrafter Press. She also maintains an authors’ blog and website, Writing to be Read, where she publishes content of interest in the literary world.


Want exclusive content? Join Kaye Lynne Booth & WordCrafter Press Readers’ Group for WordCrafter Press book & event news, including the awesome releases of author Kaye Lynne Booth. She won’t flood your inbox, she NEVER sells her list, and you might get a freebie occasionally. Get a free digital copy of her short story collection, Last Call and Other Short Fiction, just for joining.

Day 4 of the WordCrafter “Sarah” Book Blog Tour

A western town in the background. A print copy of Sarah and Wordcrafter logo in foreground. 
Text: Wordcrfter Book Blog Tours Presents Sarah, By Kaye Lynne Booth, Book 2 of the Women in the West Adventure Series

It’s Day 4 of the WordCrafter Sarah Book Blog Tour and I’m pleased to welcome you all back to Writing to be Read for my post on ‘Modern Medicine’ & Women’s Suffrage in the American West, and how they played a part in the book. But first, I have something special to offer today. A special thank you for dropping in and following the tour, not available anywhere else. The offer is only available through Sunday and then the PayPal button will be gone, so get your copy now.

‘Modern Medicine’ & Women’s Suffrage in the American West

As Hair of Fire, Sarah had been the acolyte of the Ute Medicine Woman. She earns her keep in Glenwood Springs by using these healing skills, which are gladly accepted by the women of the community, who are tired of being but not so well received by most of the men. They rejected her primitive heathen ways in favor of methods of ‘modern medicine’ practiced by the overpriced and overrated doctor. When I looked at what these “modern” practices consisted of, I had to wonder if the primitive methods were much more inferior.

Female Hysteria

Woman on a fainting couch in a room with Victorian furnishings.

Many of the values in the west had been handed down from the Victorian era, and women were expected to don any number of binding and uncomfortable undergarments to appear prim and proper. Respectable women and soiled doves of the higher classes were forced to wear tight-laced corsets, layers of petticoats and bustles – the former, by their husbands, and the later by their employers. It was house rules at the Old Homestead House brothel in Cripple Creek, Colorado, that ladies weren’t allowed into the parlor and entertainment areas of the house without proper corseted attire.

Corsets were binding, especially when crossed-laced and pulled tight to give the women the hourglass figure that was the trend at the time, cutting off breath, and sometimes even fracturing ribs. Most homes and brothels were furnished with at least one fainting couch, as light-headedness and fainting were common experiences for women of the day.

Men of the day attributed fainting spells and any other female behaviors they didn’t deem appropriate to female hysteria, one of the most common diagnosed illnesses for women through the 18th and 19th centuries. Fainting, headaches, backaches, anxiety, depression, infertility, and even a fondness of writing might be attributed to the ‘disorder’ of female hysteria.

There were a variety of treatments which might be prescribed for this malady, which didn’t seem to affect persons of the male gender, but was specific to the fairer sex, including rest and isolation, dietary changes, ‘hysteric hypnosis’, hydrotherapy, pelvic massage, and ‘vibratory massage’.

  • The ‘rest cures’ often involved lying immobilized for extended periods of time, isolating the afflicted away from societal view indefinitely.
  • The use of ‘hysteric hypnosis’ involved women being placed under hypnosis in search of past traumas as the root of the affliction.
  • Cold showers, warm baths, and localized water sprays were utilized in hydrotherapy to reduce nervousness and anxiety, and restore equilibrium.
  • ‘Vibratory Massage’ and Pelvic massage were the most common treatments prescribed for the treatment of hysteria. They involved manual or mechanical manipulation of the female pelvic regions, the goal being to relax the subject and release tension. Treatments were performed by male doctors on female patients, so it is not surprising that these were the most commonly prescribed. Perhaps the women probably weren’t complaining about these treatments. They may have been quite pleasant to undergo. But, when their symptoms didn’t seem to decrease with repeated treatments, you would think the men might have had second thoughts.

The Women’s Suffrage Movement

Women protesting for equality and the vote.

In 1887, the women’s suffrage movement was a ripple which would eventually become a huge wave across the nation, earning women the right to vote and giving them voices that demanded to be heard over time. Most women in the American West at this time were wives and mothers, or lived in their parents’ or relatives’ homes, although there were some, like my characters Lillian and her girls, or Big Nose Kate, who found themselves alone in the world after husbands or parents passed on, or chose to strike out on their own, independent of a man. With few options to make a living, many of these women were prostitutes or madams.

In the story of Sarah, it doesn’t take long for a young girl used to living among the Utes, where the women wore comfortable clothing to necessitate free movement to carry out the day-to-day tasks of tribal living to put ideas in the heads of the women of Glenwood Springs and stir them into action. To find out what happens though, you’ve got to read the book. 😉


“Treating Hysteria in the 19th Century: Methods and Controversies”. 19th Century Events and Developments. https://19thcentury.us/hysteria-treatment-19th-century/

“The Classification of Hysteria and Related Disorders: Historical and Phenomenal Considerations”. The National Library of Medicine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4695775/

Baloh, Robert W. 1 December 2020. “The Golden Age of Histeria”. Spring Link. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-59181-6_3

“Overview: Medicine 1800-1899”. Encyclopedia.com. https://www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/overview-medicine-1800-1899 Cohut, Maria PhD. 13 October 2020. “The Controversy of ‘Female Hysteria’”. Medical News Today. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/the-controversy-of-female-hysteria


About the Book

Sarah is a young girl trying to make a place for herself in the world.

Sarah is not the young girl stolen away from Delilah anymore. Now she is Hair of Fire, mate of Three Hawks, even as she blossoms into a young woman and tries to make a place for herself among the Ute tribe.

When she is stolen away from the life she’s made, she struggles to survive in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. A streak of stubbornness and determination take this tough, feisty heroine up against wild beasts of the forest and the rugged mountain landscape to Glenwood Springs, Colorado, where she receives a less than welcoming reception by some.

Will this young woman find her way back to the Ute tribe, which she’s come to think of as family, or will she discover a place among the colorful inhabitants of the Colorado hot springs and mining town?

Follow along on her journey to learn who she truly is and where she belongs in this rough, and often hostile frontier.

If you like strong and capable female protagonists, you’ll love Sarah.

Purchase Link: https://books2read.com/Sarah-Women-in-the-West

About the Author

For Kaye Lynne Booth, writing is a passion. Kaye Lynne is an author with published short fiction and poetry, both online and in print, including her short story collection, Last Call and Other Short Fiction; and her paranormal mystery novella, Hidden Secrets; Books 1 & 2 of her Women in the West adventure series, Delilah and Sarah, and her Time-Travel Adventure novel, The Rock Star & The Outlaw. Kaye holds a dual M.F.A. degree in Creative Writing with emphasis in genre fiction and screenwriting, and an M.A. in publishing. Kaye Lynne is the founder of WordCrafter Quality Writing & Author Services and WordCrafter Press. She also maintains an authors’ blog and website, Writing to be Read, where she publishes content of interest in the literary world.


That wraps up today’s stop on the WordCrafter Sarah Book Blog Tour. I hope that you enjoyed learning about American frontier life in the 1880s. Join us tomorrow over on Patty’s Worlds, where Patty interviews me and reviews the book.

Don’t forget to leave a comment for an entry in the giveaway and a chance to win a free digital copy of Sarah. You can comment and enter at each stop. If you missed a stop, you can access them all from the links in the Schedule below.


Mon. May 6 – “The Soiled Doves of the American West” – Writing to be Read

Tues. May 7 – “Utes in Glenwood Springs & the Legend of Chapita” – Roberta Writes

Wed. May 8 – Interview & Reading – Book Places

Thurs. May 9 – “‘Modern Medicine’ in the American West” – Writing to be Read

Fri. May 10 – Interview & Review  – Patty’s Worlds


Book your WordCrafter Book Blog Tour today!

Day 3 of the WordCrafter “Sarah” Book Blog Tour

Western town in the background. Print copy of Sarah and WordCrafter logo in foreground.
Text: Wordcrafter Book Blog Tours Presents Sarah by Kaye Lynne Booth, Book 2 of the Women in the West Adventure Series

Please join us over at Book Places for Day 3 of the WordCrafter Sarah Book Blog Tour, where host Kay Castenada interviews me, the author, Kaye Lynne Booth, and my reading of an excerpt from the book. Remember to comment for entry in the giveaway and you could get a free digital copy of the book. I hope to see you there.

Welcome to the WordCrafter “Sarah” Book Blog Tour

Western town in background. Print copy of Sarah and WordCrafter logo in foreground. 
Text: WordCrafter Book Blog Tours Presents Sarah by Kaye Lynne Booth, Book 2 of the Women in the West Adventure Series.

Welcome to the WordCrafter Sarah Book Blog Tour, where we’re celebrating the release of Book 2 in my Women in the West adventure series. We’ve got a five day tour planned and at every stop you can learn more about me, the author, and learn interesting historical facts which inspired my settings and characters through an interview, guest posts, and a review or two, and I’ll be giving away three digital copies of Sarah in the giveaway. You can follow the tour through the schedule below, but the links won’t work until each post goes live.

Tour Schedule

Mon. May 6 – “The Soiled Doves of the American West” – Writing to be Read

Tues. May 7 – “Utes in Glenwood Springs & the Legend of Chapita” – Roberta Writes

Wed. May 8 – Interview & Reading – Book Places

Thurs. May 9 – “‘Modern Medicine’ in the American West” – Writing to be Read

Fri. May 10 – Interview & Review  – Patty’s Worlds


Leave a comment at each tour stop for five chances to win a free digital copy of Sarah.

The Soiled Doves of the American West

Photograph of the prostitution district of Klondike City. Two rows of cabins with boardwalks on each side and a patch of dirt and weeds running down the middle. Various women can be seen in doorways down the line.
Eric A. Hegg, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Prostitution_district_of_Klondike_City,across_the_Klondike_River_from_Dawson,_Yukon_Territory,_ca_1899(HEGG_320).jpeg

Prostitution in the Old West

In Colorado, the mining town of Cripple Creek had over 300 prostitutes in 1894, and it was home to one of the most high-end brothels in the mining towns of Colorado. The clients were taken by appointment only and were put through a thorough screening process where their finances were scrutinized, as well as their references. Appointments started at $200 an hour and the gentlemen had to have at least a million dollars in the bank to get one. The Old Homestead House brothel was run by the infamous Pearl DeVere and housed five women who squeezed into their corsets, petticoats and fancy dresses every evening to offer their ‘services’ for sale. The girls entertained in luxury on the ground floor, with music provided by the girls, gambling and alcohol available for their enjoyment, but the real entertainment occured on the second floor, in the girl’s rooms.

Although their profession was illegal, authorities and town founders chose to look the other way and add fees, fines and taxes and taxes collected to the town coiffers. Permits were required ply their trade for both madams and doves, and each girl had to undergo a weekly or monthly exam by the town doctor to be cleared for the permit, all of course, at a cost. There was a designated shopping day when the ‘respectable’ ladies stayed indoors so as not to be offended by their presence, and a ‘dove’ caught on the streets on a different day would bring a fine not only upon herself, but upon her madam, as well. And donations made to local causes such as church and school by the madam kept the ‘respectable’ ladies from complaining too much about the very existence of the houses of ill repute.

Less fortunate women in the profession, who did not work in such a high-end establishment were found up and down the street They received less for their services, with small make-shift shacks in which to entertain their customers. Independent doves who had no madam to offer a place to offer their services and provide protection from unsavory types, might provide services in the shadows of an alley for as little as a dollar gold piece.

Meet Big Nose Kate

Big Nose Kate Horony is one of the historical characters which the Women in the West adventure series is known for. In real life, she was an independent prostitute and one-time Madam, who made her own way in the west and was companion to the infamous John Henry “Doc” Holliday, and her portrayal in Sarah, as ‘the woman behind the man’ is a true and accurate story. Kate was there, and she really did go into the hills of the surrounding canyon and gather firewood to sell in order to keep a roof over Doc’s head as he lay dying of tuberculosis, too weak to practice his trade as a gambler.

Head shot of Mary Katherine Horoney - Big Nose Kate
Mary Katherine Horony – Big Nose Kate, Public Domain Image

One of the fascinating things about the Women in the West adventure series is the fact that there is a true-life historical female character in a supporting role, along with the strong female protagonist in each book. In Sarah, the supporting historical character is Mary Katherine Horony, (Big Nose Kate), who was the consort of the infamous dentist, gambler, and gunfighter, John Henry (Doc) Holliday. In this case, our character was the woman behind the man, and is little known for her own merit.

Born Mary Katherine Horoney on November 7, 1850, who lived in Mexico as a child, she was the daughter of a the personal surgeon to the Emporer Maximillian until her family immigrated to Iowa when she was 10. As the daughter of a prominant surgeon, Kate was educated and it is said that she spoke several languages.

At the age of 15, she and her younger siblings were orphaned when both of their parents died within a few months of each other, and the children were split up and placed into foster care. But Kate ran away within a year, and she and her sister traveled to St. Louis and by 1869, in a time when there were few opportunities for females to earn a living. A self-sufficient woman in the rough and tumble of the American west, Kate worked as a dance hall girl, a prostitute, or just about any way she could to make a buck.

In Texas, she crossed paths with John Henry “Doc” Holliday, a dentist turned gambler, who became a notorious gunfighter, and they were traveling companions, on and off, until his dying days. A strong woman with a hot Hungarian temper, she and Doc had their ups and downs as they frequented saloons and gambling houses in Texas, Arizona and New Mexico, living a life of vice and liquor. Even so, Kate was always there to back up Doc’s play, even setting a she on fire to distract his guards and breaking him out of house arrest to avaoid a lynch mob, after he stabbed a man who accused him of cheating at cards. It is said that for a time, Kate even had her own bordello in Tombstone, before she reunited with Doc after one of their many seperations.

When Doc was dying in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, a friend contacted her and she traveled to Glenwood Springs to care for her destitute lifelong companion, gathering firewood in the nearby hills to cover his room and board when he could no longer support himself. And that is where my fictional character of Sarah, or Hair of Fire, meets Kate in my story, after a harrowing ordeal of survival through the mountains of Colorado.

You can learn more about Kate and Doc in my guest post from the tour for Delilah: Book 1 on Kay Castenada’s Book Places blog site.


Brinks, Mellissa. 23 September, 2021. “What Life Was Really Like as an Old West Saloon Girl”. Ranker. https://www.ranker.com/list/life-of-a-wild-west-saloon-girl/melissa-brinks

Whitley, Carla Jean. 10 March 2017. “To Doc From Kate – But Who Was Kate?” Post Independent. https://www.postindependent.com/news/local/to-doc-from-kate/

Hughs, Jessica. 11 September 2022. “10 Authentic Old West Towns”. Uncover Colorado. https://www.uncovercolorado.com/wild-west-towns-in-colorado/

Old Homestead House Museum, Cripple Creek, Colorado,

Bowmaster, Patrick A. “A Fresh Look at ‘Big Nose Kate'”. Tombstone History Archives. http://www.tombstonehistoryarchives.com/a-fresh-look-at-big-nose-kate.html

Van Ostrand, Maggie. 2017. “Katie Elder a.k.a. Big Nose Kate, Her True Story”. Goose Flats Graphics & Publishing. Southern Arizona Guide: https://southernarizonaguide.com/katie-elder-her-true-story-by-maggie-van-ostrand/

Williams, Joseph A. “The Real Story of Doc Holliday and Big Nose Kate”. Old West. https://www.oldwest.org/doc-holliday-big-nose-kate/

“Big Nose Kate – Doc Holliday’s Sidekick”. Legends of America. https://www.legendsofamerica.com/we-bignosekate/

28 February 2022. “Couples with History: Glewood Springs Loves Stories”. Glenwood Springs Blog. https://visitglenwood.com/blog/2022/02/couples-with-history-glenwood-springs-love-stories/

“The True Story of Katie Elder”. Notes from the Frontier. https://www.notesfromthefrontier.com/post/the-true-story-of-katie-elder

Book Trailer

Book trailer for Sarah

About the Book

Sarah is a young girl trying to make a place for herself in the world.

Sarah is not the young girl who was stolen away from Delilah anymore. Now she is Hair of Fire, mate of Three Hawks, even as she blossoms into a young woman and tries to make a place for herself among the Ute tribe.

Print edition of Sarah

When she is stolen away from the life she’s made with the Utes, she struggles to survive in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. A streak of stubbornness and determination take this tough, feisty heroine up against wild beasts of the forest and the rugged mountain landscape to Glenwood Springs, Colorado, where she receives a less than welcoming reception by some.

Will this young woman find her way back to the Ute tribe, which she’s come to think of as family, or will she discover a place among the colorful inhabitants of the Colorado hot springs and mining town?

Follow along on her journey to learn who she truly is and where she belongs in this rough, and often hostile frontier.

If you like strong and capable female protagonists, you’ll love Sarah.

Purchase Link: https://books2read.com/Sarah-Women-in-the-West

About the Series

Western town in background. Print copies of Sarah, Delilah and Marta in foreground.
Text: Women in the West Adventure Series

The Women in the West adventure series features strong female protagonists in a setting filled with hardship, which many believed did not fit well with the female constitution. Women on the frontier were few, and most of those were included in a family unit. Single and widowed women did exist on the frontier, as did those whose husbands just never came home for whatever reason, went back to the family unit in most cases. Women who chose to go it alone, defying societal expectations were rare. Those who did, chose a hard life and had to have backbone to survive.

While my protagonists are fictional, they are representative of strong women who did make a way for themselves, out of choice or necessity, and each book introduces a fictionalized version of one such historical female character who plays a supporting role in the story. In Delilah, it was Baby Doe Tabor. In Sarah, it is Big Nose Kate. And Marta will feature Clara Brown.

About the Author

For Kaye Lynne Booth, writing is a passion. Kaye Lynne is an author with published short fiction and poetry, both online and in print, including her short story collection, Last Call and Other Short Fiction; and her paranormal mystery novella, Hidden Secrets; Book 1 of her Women in the West adventure series, Delilah, and her Time-Travel Adventure novel, The Rock Star & The Outlaw. Kaye holds a dual M.F.A. degree in Creative Writing with emphasis in genre fiction and screenwriting, and an M.A. in publishing. Kaye Lynne is the founder of WordCrafter Quality Writing & Author Services and WordCrafter Press. She also maintains an authors’ blog and website, Writing to be Read, where she publishes content of interest in the literary world.

That wraps up the first stop on the tour. Thank you all for joining us. Don’t forget to leave a comment for a chance at a free digital copy of the book. Join us tomorrow over at [ ], where I’ll be guest posting on how the history of the Ute Indians helped me choose my settings.


Book your WordCrafter Book Blog Tour today!

“Sarah” is Available for Pre-Order Now

Purchase Link: https://books2read.com/u/3RXlRx

Hey Everybody! Sarah, Book 2 in the Women in the West Adventure Series is available for pre-order. It will be released on May 7, 2024, but you can reserve your copy now.

And don’t miss out on the WordCrafter Sarah Book Blog Tour, May 6-10, starting right here on “Writing to be Read”, where you can learn more about the book and the series. There will be guest posts, interviews with the author, a reading, and a review. You’ll have the opportunity to check out the book trailer for Sarah, engage with the author, and a chance to win a free digital copy of the book.

Late Stop on the WordCrafter Northtown Angelus Book Blog Tour

We have a late stop on the on the WordCrafter Northtown Angelus Book Blog Tour. The reading below is a late addition to the tour, so we made a special follow-up stop to bring you the reading of an excerpt from the book. Read by Joseph Zingaro. I do hope you enjoy it.

Reading of an excerpt from Northtown Angelus

Johnny Dillon took his life. His wife Cora wants to know why. The Northtown cops don’t care; they closed the case as a suicide. The M.E. hasn’t got any answers for the discrepancies Ray Jarvi discovered in the autopsy report and from what Johnny’s wife told him about the days leading up to his decision to take his life.

This is the beginning of an investigation for private investigator Ray Jarvi, who follows a twisting path of corruption and vice in his rust-belt town on the shores of Lake Erie to help her find some resolution to the worst day in her life. Like a medieval play between warring devils and angels battling for a soul, he must deal with a variety of Northtowners who play one part or the other on his journey to find those answers. Getting past one obstacle only leads to another—and another. Before long, Jarvi does not know whom to trust. He realizes nothing in his town is what it appears to be and that there are some dangerous people who like it that way.

Purchase Link: https://www.amazon.com/Northtown-Angelus-Raimo-Jarvi-Investigates/dp/B0CRQ66L4Y


Book your WordCrafter Book Blog Tour today!

Welcome to the WordCrafter “Poetry Treasures 4: In Touch with Nature” Book Blog Tour

It’s day 1 of the WordCrafter Poetry Treasures 4 Book Blog Tour, and today we have contributing poet D.L. Finn with a reading of her poem, “The Island”. Stick with the tour for the rest of the week for readings and guest posts from contributing authors Andrew McDowell, Patricia Furstenberg, Merril D. Smith, Selma Martin and Robbie Cheadle, an interview with contributing author Emily Gmitter, and a review on Carla Loves to Read. If you leave a comment at each stop, you’ll be entered in our great giveaway.


Leave a comment for a chance to win one of three free copies of

Poetry Treasures 4: In Touch with Nature.

Leave a comment at each stop for additional chances.

Winners chosen by random drawing.

You can keep up with the tour through the links in the schedule below, but they won’t work until each stop goes live.

Mon. April 8Writing to be Read – Reading by D.L. Finn

Tues. April 9 Yesterday and Today: Merril’s Historical Musings – Reading by Andrew McDowell

Wed. April 10Book Places – Interview w/ Emily Gmitter & Reading by Selma Martin

Thurs. April 11d.l. finn author – Guest post by Patricia Furstenberg

Fri. April 12Colleen Chesebro, Author & Poet – Guest post by Merril D. Smith

Sat. April 13Carla Reads – Review/ Reading by Robbie Cheadle

Book Trailer

Book Trailer for Poetry Treasures 4: In Touch with Nature – created by Robbie Cheadle

About the Anthology

This volume of the Poetry Treasures series is a special one for me because it is the first volume to feature my works. I am proud to be featured along side such talented poets as Colleen Chesebro, D.L. Finn, Frank Prem, and Robbie Cheadle who I have gotten to know and I am familiar with their works. In addition, I got to work woth many creative poets who were new to me, introduced through Robbie’s “Treasuring Poetry” series right along with the series readers. These include Andrew McDowell, Patricia Furstenberg, Emily Gmitter, Marcia Meara, Selma Martin, Luanne Castle, and Merril D. Smith. Without their contributions and willingness to pitch in with the promotions, there would be no anthology. I have so enjoyed working with this group of poets, who have stuggled to meet tight deadlines and put up with my confusions as I shuffled through emails to & from hosts and contributors, and contributors who were also acting as hosts as I put this blog tour together. A big thanks goes out to them for all their efforts and hard work.

The quality of poetry in this volume makes it a poetry treasure to be sure, and I’ve had several contributors thank me for all my hard work. It has been a labor of love. But although I co-edited and did the final formatting, this is really Robbie’s baby, and without all of her hard work, this project wouldn’t be. The anthology was born from Robbie’s “Treasuring Poetry” blog series, and it is Robbie who invited the guests to submit their work, compiled and organized them all into a coherent manuscript, and did the first round of editing. Somehow, she fit all that into her very busy life, and it is she who should be commended, not I.

This is my blog post, my addition to the tour as a contributing author, as well as editor of the project. I will not burden you with my photo and bio, which you, my readers, see with every post I make. Instead I will get right to the main attraction for this stop and move on to a reading by contributing author D.L. Finn.

Introduction of D.L. Finn

Author of children’s books, adult fiction and poetry, D.L. Finn is a multi-talented Califirnia author. Her Haibun and syllabic poetry draw vivid pictures in the mind and I am pleased to feature her works within this volume of Poetry Treasures. She shares with us today a reading of her poem, “The Island”.

Reading of “The Island”, by D.L. Finn

About D.L. Finn

D. L. Finn is an independent California local who encourages everyone to embrace their inner child. She was born and raised in the foggy Bay Area, but in 1990 she relocated with her husband, kids, dogs, and cats to Nevada City, in the Sierra foothills. She immersed herself in reading all types of books but especially loved romance, horror, and fantasy. She always treasured creating her own reality on paper. Finally, surrounded by towering pines, oaks, and cedars, her creativity was nurtured until it bloomed. Her creations include children’s books, adult fiction, and poetry. She continues on her adventure with an open invitation to all readers to join her.

About Poetry Treasures 4: In Touch with Nature

Poetic Treasures Within.

Open the cover

and you will discover

Poetry Treasures

from the guests on

Robbie Cheadle’s 2023

“Treasuring Poetry”

blog series

on Writing to be Read.

Included are poetic gems from: Andrew McDowell, Robbie Cheadle, Patricia Furstenberg, Marcia Meara, Luanne Castle, D.L. Finn, Emily Gmitter, Kaye Lynne Booth, Selma Martin, Merril D. Smith, Frank Prem, and Colleen Chesebro.

Purchase Link: https://books2read.com/u/mlM5YA


That wraps up today’s stop. Don’t forget to leave a comment and enter the giveaway for a free copy of this lovely poetry collection. Tomorrow will find us over at Colleen Chesebro, Author & Poet with a guest post by contributing poet, Merril D. Smith. Join us and don’t forget to leave a comment for another chance to win a free digital copy of Poetry Treasures 4: In Touch with Nature.


Book your WordCrafter Book Blog Tour today!

Wrapping Up the WordCrafter “Northtown Angelus” Book Blog Tour

This is the last day of the WordCrafter “Northtown Angelus” Book Blog Tour. To wrap-up we have a double stop today, with my review of the book here, on Writing to be Read, and then on to Undawnted for a final guest post from the author, Robert White. But , let before we get started, let me offer a reminder to be sure and leave comments when you visit a stop to be entered in the giveaway below. You can click on the links in the schedule to go back and visit any stop you may have missed along the way. Undawnted does not accept comments, but you can leave your comments for the second stop on today’s tour here.


Each stop where you leave a a comment,

you get another chance to win one of five digital copies,

and one signed print copy of Northtown Angelus.

Tour Schedule

Mon. March 11 – Writing to be Read – Author Interview

Tues. March 12 – Robbie’s Inspiration – Guest Post

Wed. March 13 – Patty’s Worlds – Author Interview

Thurs. March 14 – Writing to be Read – Review/Undawnted – Guest Post

About Northtown Angelus

Book Cover: Man in a slicker with waterfront in the background.
Text: Northtown Angelus, Volume Three: Raimo Jarvi, Robert White

Johnny Dillon took his life. His wife Cora wants to know why. The Northtown cops don’t care; they closed the case as a suicide. The M.E. hasn’t got any answers for the discrepancies Ray Jarvi discovered in the autopsy report and from what Johnny’s wife told him about the days leading up to his decision to take his life.

This is the beginning of an investigation for private investigator Ray Jarvi, who follows a twisting path of corruption and vice in his rust-belt town on the shores of Lake Erie to help her find some resolution to the worst day in her life. Like a medieval play between warring devils and angels battling for a soul, he must deal with a variety of Northtowners who play one part or the other on his journey to find those answers. Getting past one obstacle only leads to another—and another. Before long, Jarvi does not know whom to trust. He realizes nothing in his town is what it appears to be and that there are some dangerous people who like it that way.

Purchase Link: https://www.amazon.com/Northtown-Angelus-Raimo-Jarvi-Investigates/dp/B0CRQ66L4Y

About Author Robert White

Robert T. White writes from Northeastern Ohio. He has published several crime, noir, hardboiled novels and genre stories in various magazines and anthologies. He’s been nominated for a Derringer. “Inside Man,” a crime story, was selected for Best American Mystery Stories 2019. His second hardboiled p.i. series (after the Thomas Haftmann mysteries begun in 2011 with Haftmann’s Rules) features Raimo Jarvi in Northtown Eclipse (Fahrenheit Press, 2018) and Northtown Blitz (2020). British website Murder, Mayhem & More cited When You Run with Wolves (rpt. 2018) as a finalist for Top Ten Crime Books of 2018 and Perfect Killer in 2019. “If I Let You Get Me” was selected for the Bouchercon 2019 anthology and The Russian Heist (Moonshine Cove, 2019), another crime thriller, was selected by Thriller Magazine as winner of its Best Novel category. “Out of Breath” and Other Stories is a mixed collection of mainstream and noir fiction (Red Giant Press, 2013).

Author Robert White

My Review

Northtown Angelus, by Robert White, is book 3 in the Raimo Jarvi Investigates series. This story reads like a classic hardboiled crime fiction tale, complete with flawed P.I. protagonist and colorful inner city characters and setting. The writing style and lack of dialog tags was a little off-putting at first. It kind of grew on me though, and once I became emmersed in the story, I hardly noticed unless I got confused about who was speaking.

Dealing with less than desirable people and neighborhoods, is bound to give anyone a grim outlook on life. But for Ray Jarvi, a P.I. with an unfortunate history which left him scarred, inside and out, working those neighborhoods throws low lifes, drug dealers, and other criminal types in his path at every turn, has turned his outlook grim indeed. He’s learned not to expect too much from his fellow man. Ray is on a case to find out what really happened to man the cops wrote off as suicide, for the greiving widow, but finds himself in the middle of something even bigger. Ray doesn’t wait for things to happen, he pushes peoples buttons and makes things happen, always on the offensive. But when a friend and employee is brutally beaten while doing survellience for him, we see a softer side of Ray, as someone who really does give a damn, before donning his social armor once more and going back after the villians who are responsible.

Fast moving and hard hitting, Northtown Angelus is all that a hard-boiled crime novel should be. I give it four quills.

Four circles with the WordCrafter Quill logo inside


Don’t forget to visit the second stop on today’s tour to hear more from author Robert White on Northtown Angelus and his Raimo Jarvis Investigates series. You can visit that stop here: Remember you can come back here to leave a comment for today’s entry in the giveaway.


That wraps up the WordCrafter Northtown Angelus Book Blog Tour. Thank you all for joining us. Be sure to visit each stop through the schedule at the top of this post for more chances to win a copy of this hardboiled crime fiction novel. I hope you enjoyed meeting Robert White and learning more about Northtown Angelus.


Book your WordCrafter Book Blog Tour today!

Welcome to the WordCrafter “Northtown Angelus” Book Blog Tour

Welcome to the WordCrafter Northtown Angelus Book Blog Tour. We have a great tour planned with a generous giveaway, so let me tell you about that first.


Each stop where you leave a a comment,

you get another chance to win one of five digital copies,

and one signed print copy of Northtown Angelus.

Opening Day

Today is opening day, and we have a special interview with author Robert White, where we talk about what draws him to crime thrillers, and writing in general. Of course, he will also talk about Northtown Angelus, and if you pay attention, he might even reveal a few insider clues about the story.

Interview with author Robert White

Kaye: Please tell us a bit about your author journey and how you got into writing as a profession and a business?

Robert: I taught five sections of freshman composition at a regional branch campus, which meant I was steeped in marathon grading sessions during the week and throughout the weekend in my tiny office circling to/too homonyms. The desire to write was always there but not the time. In the two decades of writing I’ve enjoyed—strictly as hobby—I’ve made a few bucks, but I knew even as a fledgling English major that no one but a lucky or extraordinarily talented few make a living at it.

The immediate impetus was serendipity (not a word to use easily). A student of mine called down from the IT lab where he worked part-time. He said my computer was scheduled for an upgrade and I would lose all my unsaved files. I’d written a Haftmann ms. a decade earlier for fun and forgotten it. He sent it to me, I looked it over, updated it with cell phones and laptops, and sent it out to Grand Mal Press. Ryan Thomas, still the managing editor, published it in 2011. Ryan has since brought out nearly all the Haftmann novels and this last novel in the Northtown trilogy.  

Kaye: What’s the most difficult thing about being an author for you?

Robert: Not a thing. I’ve been a stockboy in a grocery store, a factory worker, and a deckhand on the Great Lakes. I remember what hard work is. Sitting in my room, sipping coffee, and mulling over word choices is not it.

Kaye: What is the most rewarding thing about being an author for you?

Robert: Just having my foot in the door. When I was fifteen a girlfriend gave me a copy of William Styron’s Sophie Choice. I’d never read such beautiful prose before. To be a very junior member of that “club” is an honor in itself regardless of the boos I get on Amazon and elsewhere.

Kaye: What part of being an author was unexpected, something that you didn’t realize starting out?

Robert: That note of jaundiced humor that creeps into my narrative voice from time to time. Both my private eyes have it. I might have been influenced by  Chandler’s Marlowe more than I realized, but my fictional landscapes veer toward the grim.

Kaye: You’ve received a few awards for your writing. The Russian Heist won Best Novel in Thriller Magazine. Your book, Betray Me Not, was selected by the Independent Alliance as a Truly Best Independent Book, and your story “Inside Man” was selected by Otto Penzler of Houghton Mifflin for Best Mystery Stories of 2019. How important have these awards been in propelling your author career forward?

Robert: Any distinction is a pleasure. I’m not immune to flattery. I do think I have a proper sense of humility about my own talent vis-à-vis the outstanding writers I admire intensely: Martin Cruz Smith, Thomas Harries, and David Lindsey.

Kaye: Regarding Thomas Haftmann, Private Eye: The Short Stories, The Midwest Review said, “Clearly, author Robb White is a master of the noir style mystery genre…”, and many of your works are noir, hardboiled crime fiction. What draws you to this genre?

Robert: I suspect there’s a glitch in my DNA molecule that absorbed something from my mother. She loved paperback mysteries, especially Agatha Christie. It didn’t stick all the way because I quit halfway through one Miss Marple book. Not my cup of tea, as they say.

I’m drawn to the genre because of its ambiguity, the half existence between knowledge and ignorance, truth and lies, good and evil—trite as that sounds. That’s real life, isn’t it? “Peering through a venetian blind,” as metaphor, is wonderfully apt.

Kaye: What other genres, if any do you write?

Robert: I dip my toe into the horror genre from time to time because psychological horror and crime are intricately related and there’s a slender passageway between them, easy to cross. But I’ve never gone beyond short stories.

Kaye: Northtown Angelus is volume 3 in the Raimo Jarvi Investigates series. For readers who may not have read books 1 & 2, please tell us, who is Ray Jarvi? What drives him? How did he end up as a P.I.? What makes him good at his job?

An outstanding critic in U.K. crime fiction is Rowena Hoseason, who said Ray is “broken.” She nailed it. He fights his past as a victim of a boyhood fire that scarred his face and isolated him in society thereafter. He’s driven by his refusal to stay locked away in a brooding isolation despite his physical appearance that keeps people away, although he did have one love affair that ended in tragedy, and he has a boyhood friendship with a deputy. A few minor figures in law enforcement pop up to help Ray out because he’s running on a shoestring budget and doesn’t have access to the best  databases.

Kaye: Where did you get the inspiration for the Raimo Jarvi character?

Robert: I created Raimo Jarvi because Thomas Haftmann, my first series investigator, was set in stone. He was cast in the Spade-Marlowe mode and I couldn’t get him to “evolve” without denying the characteristics that made him. His surname is a play on “half-man,” and he wasn’t capable of aging gracefully, as flippant as that might sound. I needed a more self-effacing narrator akin to my own aging temperament.

Kaye: Please tell us a little about the first two books. Should the books for this series be read in order, or do they work as standalones?

Robert: I do think they’re standalones despite the fact a few characters and references follow from book to book. In Northtown Eclipse, Ray investigates a case involving his macho brother and some former classmates involved in a sordid catastrophe involving a female victim in the same sleazy resort town Haftmann has an office in.  In Northtown Blitz, Raimo is again drawn back to the past of his painful high-school days. A woman asks him to investigate the death of her sister. The main suspect is her own brother-in-law, a prominent lawyer in Northtown.

Kaye: What is it about Northtown Angelus that would make crime thriller fans want to purchase this book? Tell us a little about the story within.

Robert: I believe fans of mystery aren’t locked into a niche that inhibits, say, a lover of big-city crime fiction from appreciating a small-town mystery about people who hide behind masks of middle-class respectability.

In Northtown Angelus, a recent widow asks Ray to investigate her husband’s death, which the cops have written off as suicide. As Ray peels the onion layers away, he meets a bevy of high and low characters involved. There are dark, ongoing secrets that no one wants exposed to the light.  

 Kaye: Tell us something about yourself that your readers would never guess.

Robert: I’m a skywatcher, not a real amateur star-gazer, but I drag the telescope out of the garage now and then to check out the celestial skies. What goes on in interstellar space is so remote from the mundane and our puny, temporal existence that it appeals strongly to me.

About Author Robert White

Robert T. White writes from Northeastern Ohio. He has published several crime, noir, hardboiled novels and genre stories in various magazines and anthologies. He’s been nominated for a Derringer. “Inside Man,” a crime story, was selected for Best American Mystery Stories 2019. His second hardboiled p.i. series (after the Thomas Haftmann mysteries begun in 2011 with Haftmann’s Rules) features Raimo Jarvi in Northtown Eclipse (Fahrenheit Press, 2018) and Northtown Blitz (2020). British website Murder, Mayhem & More cited When You Run with Wolves (rpt. 2018) as a finalist for Top Ten Crime Books of 2018 and Perfect Killer in 2019. “If I Let You Get Me” was selected for the Bouchercon 2019 anthology and The Russian Heist (Moonshine Cove, 2019), another crime thriller, was selected by Thriller Magazine as winner of its Best Novel category. “Out of Breath” and Other Stories is a mixed collection of mainstream and noir fiction (Red Giant Press, 2013).

About Northtown Angelus

Johnny Dillon took his life. His wife Cora wants to know why. The Northtown cops don’t care; they closed the case as a suicide. The M.E. hasn’t got any answers for the discrepancies Ray Jarvi discovered in the autopsy report and from what Johnny’s wife told him about the days leading up to his decision to take his life.

This is the beginning of an investigation for private investigator Ray Jarvi, who follows a twisting path of corruption and vice in his rust-belt town on the shores of Lake Erie to help her find some resolution to the worst day in her life. Like a medieval play between warring devils and angels battling for a soul, he must deal with a variety of Northtowners who play one part or the other on his journey to find those answers. Getting past one obstacle only leads to another—and another. Before long, Jarvi does not know whom to trust. He realizes nothing in his town is what it appears to be and that there are some dangerous people who like it that way.

Purchase Link: https://www.amazon.com/Northtown-Angelus-Raimo-Jarvi-Investigates/dp/B0CRQ66L4Y

About the Tour

We have a brief, but great tour planned with guest posts from the author, a second interview on Day 3. So you’ll hear a lot more from author Robert White and learn more about this thriller that takes after the classic hard-boiled crime novels. Day 4 will feature a double stop day with a guest post on Undawnted, and my review of Northtown Angelus.

Visit each day and leave a comment for more chances at one of five digital copies or a signed print copy of the book. You’ll find the tour schedule with links below, but remember the links won’t work until that day’s stop goes live. I hope you all will join us.

Tour Schedule

Day 1: Writing to be Read – Interview

Day 2: Robbie’s Inspiration – Guest Post

Day 3: Patty’s Worlds – Interview

Day 4: Undawnted – Guest Post/ Writing to be Read – Book review


Book your WordCrafter Book Blog Tour today!

My Books Are Now Available in AI Audio!

Exciting news for me and all the audiobook listeners. I now have three books available in AI narrated audiobook on Google Play!

That’s right. My paranormal mystery novella, Hidden Secrets, my time-travel adventure, The Rock Star & The Outlaw, and Delilah: Book 1 of the Women in the West Adventure Series are all available now, in AI Audiobook on Google Play.

Delilah: https://play.google.com/store/audiobooks/details?id=AQAAAECSazYrtM

The Rock Star & The Outlaw: https://play.google.com/store/audiobooks/details?id=AQAAAECSG2Zb5M

Hidden Secrets: https://play.google.com/store/audiobooks/details?id=AQAAAECSG0ZbxM

I had a hunch that some of you have a preference for audiobooks, and have been waiting for these stories to come out in audio to make a purchase. If that’s you, then pay special attention to this next part.

Audiobooks Launch Promotion

The promotion runs from March 1 – 31, 2024. During the entire Month of March, you can get any of the above audiobook titles for only $2.99 on Google Play by using this code: SEYD037C90NT4

This is the only place you can get this code. Whether you’re a reader who has been with me, or one who just happened by, this is my way of saying thank you for being one of my readers, so I hope you all will take advantage of it, and then comment and tell me what you think. The AI Narration is still pretty new and this will be my first experiences with it.