Behind Closed Doors, by Robbie Cheadle

Book Cover on digital device.
The corner of a hotel or apartment building with an outrside walkway and various colored doors.
Text: Behind Closed Doors, a collection of unusual poems, Robbie Cheadle

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Book Description

What goes on behind closed doors: in the boardroom, after death, in the home, during lockdown, and in nature? This collection of poems, ranging from rhyming verse to twisted nursery rhymes, captures the emotions and thoughts people hide behind the masks they present to the world.

What thoughts are hidden

Behind her immobile face

Quite expressionless

Eyes cold and indifferent

Scrutinising me – hawk like

This book includes some of Robbie Cheadle’s spectacular fondant art and cakes.

A white wall with double doors in the middle opened to reveal the cover of Behind Closed Doors, by Robbie Cheadle
Text: Behind Closed Doors on the left, "What thoughts are hidden Behind her immobile face Quite expressionless Eyess cold and indifferent She scrutinizes me - hawk like" on the right, and "Open the doors of discovery" across the wood floor in front of the doors.

Poetry Reading – “Can You See the Butterflies”

About the Author

Headshot: Robbie Cheadle

Robbie Cheadle is a South African children’s author and poet with 9 children’s books and 1 poetry book.

The 7 Sir Chocolate children’s picture books, co-authored by Robbie and Michael Cheadle, are written in sweet, short rhymes which are easy for young children to follow and are illustrated with pictures of delicious cakes and cake decorations. Each book also includes simple recipes or biscuit art directions which children can make under adult supervision.

Robbie has also published 2 books for older children which incorporate recipes that are relevant to the storylines.

Robbie has 2 adult novels in the paranormal historical and supernatural fantasy genres published under the name Roberta Eaton Cheadle. She also has short stories in the horror and paranormal genre and poems included in several anthologies.