WordCrafter Book Blog Tours F.A.Q.

Background of clouds and a rainbow with WordCrafter Logo and WordCrafter Blog Tours overlayed.
  • What is a WordCrafter Book Blog Tour? A WordCrafter Book Blog Tour is a virtual book tour. Instead of meeting potential readers face-to-face in brick-and-mortar locations, authors provide guest blog posts with photo and bio, so readers can learn more about them and their books. But it’s more than that, because potential readers & authors also have the opportunity to engage through comments, making it closer to the in person experience.
  • What do I need to do to book a tour? Go to the WC Book Blog Tours page and fill out the form there with details about your book (at least title & genre), the dates requested & number of days for the tour, and submit the fee for the correct number of days.
  • How many days should my tour be? Tours can be 4-7 days, although it can be difficult to keep momentum on longer tours. I normally suggest doing a five day tour for single author works, but you may want to extend the tour if you have several multiple authors who are willing to contribute.
  • What do I get with my tour? Each tour comes with a review, an interview, and tour banner and images.
  • Can I run a giveaway with my tour? You also have the option of running a giveaway with your tour, if you choose to do so. Giveaways can offer free digital copies, signed print copies, gift cards or other prizes, or a combintion of prizes. All winners are selected in a random drawing, and the author is responsible for the delivery of all prizes.
  • What is expect from the author for a tour? Authors need to provide a cover image and blurb for the book, a guest post for each day of the tour, and an author photo and bio. (Multple authors require photo and bio for each participating author.)
  • What is expected for a guest post? A guest post can be anything you want. You can do a blog post about your inspiration for your book/story/poem, about interesting facts learned through your research for the book, or featuring artwork or illustrations for the book. In 2022, we began using readings of stories or excerpts on audio/video, and this works well for poetry, as well. So, if you’d like to prepare a reading in place of, or in addition to a guest post, submit a recording and I will set it up on the WordCrafter YouTube channel and linked to the tour. Note: Following the tour, recordings will be made available to the public on the WordCrafter channel.
  • What else do I need to do as an author? During the tour, visit each stop and engage with potential readers through the comments on each hosting blog.