Undawntech: Technology That Is Stranger Than Fiction

Imagine a world where an insane aristocracy oversees the human race. Classic dystopian novels tell of such extreme societies and caution readers to avoid falling into the trap. The question is: have we heeded the warnings?

1984, Animal House, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, and The Handmaid’s Tale are some of the most popular and recognizable stories in this genre. As modern-day writers, we have seen the world fall from stable nation-states to the dehumanization of culture wars, sneak attacks, propaganda, economic downturns, and invasions. Either
the writers from a bygone era were psychic, or everything we are seeing now… was planned. Planned to keep humanity distracted while an elite class work on technology beyond any innocuous application.

Past narratives could not have foreseen the future of augmented reality, artificial intelligence, biochips, mRNA technology, or tracking satellites. By any other name, would dystopic smell as sour?

Let’s take a journey into next generation technologies, most being hidden in plain sight:

For instance, currently, Iridium Satellites can track wildlife, personnel, data and assets, as well as bridging the internet of things… this technology is real-time situational awareness.

“Iridium’s unique constellation architecture makes it the only network
that covers 100% of the planet. Satellites are cross-linked to provide
reliable, low-latency, weather-resilient connections that enable
communication anywhere in the world.”


On a mundane level, medicine has exceeded its normal perimeters. With new technology, comes new issues that medical science has no answers to give. mRNA technology has potential, but its numerous and fatal consequences have been obscured from public scrutiny:

“In this paper, we call attention to three very important aspects of
the safety profile of these vaccinations. First is the extensively
documented subversion of innate immunity, primarily via suppression of
IFN-α and its associated signaling cascade. This suppression will have
a wide range of consequences, not the least of which include the
reactivation of latent viral infections and the reduced ability to
effectively combat future infections. Second is the dysregulation of
the system for both preventing and detecting genetically driven
malignant transformation within cells and the consequent potential for
vaccination to promote those transformations. Third, mRNA vaccination
potentially disrupts intracellular communication carried out by
exosomes, and induces cells taking up spike glycoprotein mRNA to
produce high levels of spike-glycoprotein-carrying exosomes, with
potentially serious inflammatory consequences. Should any of these
potentials be fully realized, the impact on billions of people around
the world could be enormous and could contribute to both the
short-term and long-term disease burden our health care system faces.”


Or is there more to injecting untested, unregulated technologies into our bodies than heart inflammation, other serious adverse reactions, and increased morbidity in the injected? What if, the scare of 2020 was to introduce tracking systems into the human genome?

Internet of dead bodies Bluetooth MAC address corpses


In a novel, a scientist might believe the only thing the human brain would need to plug into technology like brain chips, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality would be a third strand of DNA made from silicon, but that is so 1980s and 90s technology:

Science: A triple helix to cripple viruses

“As scientists accumulate more knowledge of the sequence and function
of human genes, the triplex approach should allow scientists to turn genes
on or off at will, says Hogan.”


What has grown from hypothesis and curiosity of the scientific community has transformed from the dystopic and into the realm of horror. Technology being employed to change the human race sounds as if the nightmare of Mary Shelley has been realized. The author of Frankenstein once wrote of surgically combining body parts with an electric jolt from lightning. Today’s scientists have gone beyond ethics and straight into creating artificial life forms.

Engineers Put Tens of Thousands of Artificial Brain Synapses on a Single Chip for Portable AI Devices

“MIT engineers have designed a “brain-on-a-chip,” smaller than a piece
of confetti, that is made from tens of thousands of artificial brain
synapses known as memristors — silicon-based components that mimic the
information-transmitting synapses in the human brain.”


As technology advances, external sources to manipulate the human brain are becoming readily available. Pull up a seat. Put on a cap. Play your favorite video game without lifting a finger. Mind and artificial intelligence merge through frequency of brainwaves.

Transfer learning promotes acquisition of individual BCI skills

“Noninvasive brain–computer interfaces (BCI) based on
electroencephalography (EEG) have proven efficient in applications
such as neurorehabilitation (1, 2), robotics (3, 4), communication (5,
6), or virtual reality (7, 8). Motor imagery (MI)—mental rehearsal of
a limb movement without execution—is a common EEG–BCI modality.”


As writers, we have to ask ourselves: are we already in a dystopian novel, playing characters, who unknowingly, unwittingly are about to face a critical juncture in human evolution?

What does this evolution entail? Will humans and technology as one creature relinquish our independence? Individual sovereignty? Our Constitutional Rights? Will we be considered homo sapien sapien? Or, homo sapien extincti?

Horror has manifested in our world. The horror that dystopia was not an end, but a beginning to the ramblings of madmen. Writers have the obligation to warn humanity that we have ventured past derangement and into the immoral machinations warned in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.

As the establishment plays god, what would the dystopian authors caution us about? What would Mary Shelley write as her sequel to Frankenstein with the knowledge present herein? To be, or not to be… human with all our flaws or a controlled serfdom at the whim of a plutocracy? According to science, we are already there. The only choice now is preservation or slavery.

Isn’t that the conditions writers should be asking of their readers? Because no one else is giving humanity the time to think about the ethical obligations, horrific consequences, or generational ruin that these technologies have laid at our feet. It is not difficult to ascertain: the world we live in is stranger than fiction.

“No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks.” Mary Shelley, Frankenstein

Has the road of futurist technology been paved with good intentions? Only time will tell what the intention for humanity and these technologies are. For humanity’s sake, we better know evil when we see it.


DL Mullan holds a Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning with Technology. 

Her lecture, Spacescapes: Where Photography Ends; Imagination Begins, debuted at the Phoenix Astronomy Society, which then led to her Sally Ride Festival lecture invitations. Her presentation, Bridging the Gap between Technology and Women, won her accolades at a community college’s Student Success Conference. She has been a panelist at speculative fiction, science fiction, and other regional conventions. Her digital exhibition pieces have won awards at convention art shows, as well as garnered her Second Premium at the Arizona State Fair. Currently, Ms. Mullan’s artistic renditions are seen on book covers, blog sites, video presentations, and various merchandise. As an independent publisher, she uses her technical background to innovate the creative arts.

As a writer, DL Mullan loves to stretch her imagination and the elasticity of genres. She writes complex multi-genre stories in digestible and entertaining forms, be it poetry, short fiction, or novels. Her science, history, mythology, and paranormal research backgrounds are woven into her writings, especially in Undawnted’s Legacy Universe. Ms. Mullan’s creative endeavors are available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. She is also an award-winning poet.

Be sure to subscribe to her newsletters and follow her on social media. For further information, visit her at www.undawntech.com and www.undawnted.com.


Want to be sure not to miss any of DL Mullan’s “Undawntech” segments? Subscribe to Writing to be Read for e-mail notifications whenever new content is posted or follow WtbR on WordPress. If you found it interesting or informative, please share.

Let’s Talk About Book Reviews

Box of Books Text: Book Reviews

Instead of offering a book review today, I’d like to talk about book reviews. If you follow the blog, you know that I post at least one book review almost every week. I hope no one feels shorted because I chose to do things differently this week. You might also know that I offer up honest reviews in exchange for an ARC copy of the book, digital, print or audiobook, for those who request it. (ARC stands for A Review Copy, or a copy which was sent out early in hopes of review by traditional publishers. I send out between thirty and sixty requests for review for each WordCrafter Press book published.) Obviosly, if I’m writing that many book reviews, I am a voracious reader, so I also pick up other books to read and I review them as well. As a rule, if I read it, I review it. It’s just one way to help out my fellow authors, and I often, though not always, know the authors of the books I choose to read.

But today, I find myself in a dilemma. I just finished the most awful audiobook I have ever listened to. The audiobook was one that I purchased, by an author which I had previously read one of her books. That first one I listened to was well-written, a good story, and had a decent narrator, so I thought I would give this book a go.

To start off, it was a different narrator, a very poor narrator. The inflections were all wrong, there were pauses where there shouldn’t be, with starts and stops that made the reading jerky and chopped, and there was little or no emotion. Honestly, my AI narrated audiobooks did a better job.

But then I realized that it wasn’t just that. The book was poorly written, as well. Perhaps this was one of the authors earlier works and the first book I read was a later work? After the first time I tried to listen to it, I put it down for some time, but since I haven’t been financially able to replenish my audiobook library, I decided to give it a go, since I had already listened to everything else. So, I struggled through it for lack of better input. But about halfway through, I realized that there was no way I could review this book without trashing both author and narrator, and I really don’t like doing that.

They say that a negative review is better than no review, but I’m not sure if I buy that. All reviewers are critics, but I don’t believe that a critic must harsh to be effective. I offer my reviews to help other authors, and my reviews are honest, even if there are things I didn’t like about a book. I always try to emphasive the positive, but the negative is still there.

I know many of my readers are bloggers who are reviewers, so I’m asking you all today – how would you handle this? Am I obligated as a critic to write a negative review of this audiobook? Would you write it? Or would you just put the book into the archive and forget about it? I would love to get someone else’s thoughts on this. What do you think?


Kaye Lynne Booth does honest book reviews on Writing to be Read in exchange for ARCs. Have a book you’d like reviewed? You can request a review on the Book Review tab above.

Wrapping Up the WordCrafter “Northtown Angelus” Book Blog Tour

This is the last day of the WordCrafter “Northtown Angelus” Book Blog Tour. To wrap-up we have a double stop today, with my review of the book here, on Writing to be Read, and then on to Undawnted for a final guest post from the author, Robert White. But , let before we get started, let me offer a reminder to be sure and leave comments when you visit a stop to be entered in the giveaway below. You can click on the links in the schedule to go back and visit any stop you may have missed along the way. Undawnted does not accept comments, but you can leave your comments for the second stop on today’s tour here.


Each stop where you leave a a comment,

you get another chance to win one of five digital copies,

and one signed print copy of Northtown Angelus.

Tour Schedule

Mon. March 11 – Writing to be Read – Author Interview

Tues. March 12 – Robbie’s Inspiration – Guest Post

Wed. March 13 – Patty’s Worlds – Author Interview

Thurs. March 14 – Writing to be Read – Review/Undawnted – Guest Post

About Northtown Angelus

Book Cover: Man in a slicker with waterfront in the background.
Text: Northtown Angelus, Volume Three: Raimo Jarvi, Robert White

Johnny Dillon took his life. His wife Cora wants to know why. The Northtown cops don’t care; they closed the case as a suicide. The M.E. hasn’t got any answers for the discrepancies Ray Jarvi discovered in the autopsy report and from what Johnny’s wife told him about the days leading up to his decision to take his life.

This is the beginning of an investigation for private investigator Ray Jarvi, who follows a twisting path of corruption and vice in his rust-belt town on the shores of Lake Erie to help her find some resolution to the worst day in her life. Like a medieval play between warring devils and angels battling for a soul, he must deal with a variety of Northtowners who play one part or the other on his journey to find those answers. Getting past one obstacle only leads to another—and another. Before long, Jarvi does not know whom to trust. He realizes nothing in his town is what it appears to be and that there are some dangerous people who like it that way.

Purchase Link: https://www.amazon.com/Northtown-Angelus-Raimo-Jarvi-Investigates/dp/B0CRQ66L4Y

About Author Robert White

Robert T. White writes from Northeastern Ohio. He has published several crime, noir, hardboiled novels and genre stories in various magazines and anthologies. He’s been nominated for a Derringer. “Inside Man,” a crime story, was selected for Best American Mystery Stories 2019. His second hardboiled p.i. series (after the Thomas Haftmann mysteries begun in 2011 with Haftmann’s Rules) features Raimo Jarvi in Northtown Eclipse (Fahrenheit Press, 2018) and Northtown Blitz (2020). British website Murder, Mayhem & More cited When You Run with Wolves (rpt. 2018) as a finalist for Top Ten Crime Books of 2018 and Perfect Killer in 2019. “If I Let You Get Me” was selected for the Bouchercon 2019 anthology and The Russian Heist (Moonshine Cove, 2019), another crime thriller, was selected by Thriller Magazine as winner of its Best Novel category. “Out of Breath” and Other Stories is a mixed collection of mainstream and noir fiction (Red Giant Press, 2013).

Author Robert White

My Review

Northtown Angelus, by Robert White, is book 3 in the Raimo Jarvi Investigates series. This story reads like a classic hardboiled crime fiction tale, complete with flawed P.I. protagonist and colorful inner city characters and setting. The writing style and lack of dialog tags was a little off-putting at first. It kind of grew on me though, and once I became emmersed in the story, I hardly noticed unless I got confused about who was speaking.

Dealing with less than desirable people and neighborhoods, is bound to give anyone a grim outlook on life. But for Ray Jarvi, a P.I. with an unfortunate history which left him scarred, inside and out, working those neighborhoods throws low lifes, drug dealers, and other criminal types in his path at every turn, has turned his outlook grim indeed. He’s learned not to expect too much from his fellow man. Ray is on a case to find out what really happened to man the cops wrote off as suicide, for the greiving widow, but finds himself in the middle of something even bigger. Ray doesn’t wait for things to happen, he pushes peoples buttons and makes things happen, always on the offensive. But when a friend and employee is brutally beaten while doing survellience for him, we see a softer side of Ray, as someone who really does give a damn, before donning his social armor once more and going back after the villians who are responsible.

Fast moving and hard hitting, Northtown Angelus is all that a hard-boiled crime novel should be. I give it four quills.

Four circles with the WordCrafter Quill logo inside


Don’t forget to visit the second stop on today’s tour to hear more from author Robert White on Northtown Angelus and his Raimo Jarvis Investigates series. You can visit that stop here: Remember you can come back here to leave a comment for today’s entry in the giveaway.


That wraps up the WordCrafter Northtown Angelus Book Blog Tour. Thank you all for joining us. Be sure to visit each stop through the schedule at the top of this post for more chances to win a copy of this hardboiled crime fiction novel. I hope you enjoyed meeting Robert White and learning more about Northtown Angelus.


Book your WordCrafter Book Blog Tour today!

Writer’s Corner: Debunking Library Myths

Woman typing on a computer at a very messy desk. Text: Writer's Corner with Kaye Lynne Booth

Libraries as Institutions

When I was a little girl, I used to love going to the library. Sometimes, my mom would take me for story hour, where one of the kindly librarians would read a story aloud to a group of children. As I grew older and my reading abilities improved, I would visit the library on my own, and carry home stacks of books, because there were soooo many books that I just had to read. I might have to renew my checkout on some, but I was a voracious reader. (Still am.)

As an adult, I relished in taking my own children to the library, and practicing using their ‘library voices’. We would make a day of it, going to the park first, which was right down the street, and stopping at the drug store for a soda on the way home. The kids would each have two or three books which they had chosen, and I got to renew my book stack, as well.

With the rise of the internet and digital books, there were rumors that libraries would fade out of the picture and no longer be necessary when you could buy a book with the click of a button. But not everyone can afford to click that button, especially not with the sheer volume of books that are available today. Thank goodness libraries have learned to shift with the times and seem to still be thriving.

For me, with the feelings I have associated with libraries, it only makes sense that I would want to get my books into libraries. But not all authors feel that way. Many authors look at having their books in libraries as being detrimental to sales or that authors loose money by having their books in libraries.

Myths About Having Your Books In Libraries

Myth 1: If someone can walk into a library and read my book for free, then why would they go buy it? That’s like giving your work away.

Not true. In fact, many readers go to libraries to discover new authors. Once they find one they like, they may buy more books by the same author. I think this may be especially true for genres where whale readers are typical, like romance. When you read a lot of books, it might be smart to be sure you’re going to like their stuff before dropping a lot of coinage on an author.

Myth 2: If a library buys my ebook, it’s a once-and-done type deal. Then they can check it out as many times as they want, so I lose money.

There are two pricing models through library services which list the ebooks available to libraries.

The first, is the One Copy, One User model. This model is the one used most by library services. The library pays a set price for your ebook, higher than the price paid through retailers for each copy of your book . In the other model, they pay a certain price for each checkout made. In this model, you make money from the initial purchase, whether anyone checks out your book or not. With the second, the amount you make is in direct relation to the number of people who are reading your book.

The second model is the Cost Per Checkout model. In this model you get paid a small amount, under a dollar, everytime someone checks out your ebook. With this model, the amount of money you make is in direct relation to how many library patrons are reading your book.

Either method used, having your book in libraries offers exposure which could lead to recommendations by word of mouth, or maybe even a review. And that is gold for authors.

How To Get Your Books Into Libraries

There are two things required to get your books into libraries.

  1. Access
  2. Demand


If you want to get your books into libraries, librarians must first have access to them. Librarians do not purchase books from Amazon or any of the other major retail distributors, but there are outlets which serve libraries specifically,including Overdrive, Bibliotheca, Odilo, Baker & Taylor, Hoopla, Borrow Box, and Palace Marketplace. These services provide lists of books which they have available to libraries, and that’s the main route librarians use to find and order books.

Mark Leslie Lefebvre wrote a book called How to Get Your Books Into Bookstores & Libraries (Purchase link at the end of this article). You can see my review of this book here.

In it, he talks about building relationships with local bookstores and libraries. They can’t support your books if they don’t know that they exist. Librarians are in contact with many readers every day. They are more likely to recommend the book of a local author they know and can put a face with the name. They are also more likely to purchase your book for their library if they know you, so here the underlying motivator is developing a relationship with your local librarian, by getting to know them and making yourself available for readings and/or author talks at their facility.

You can also listen to Mark discuss this subject and share his wisdom on Stark Reflections episode 292: https://starkreflections.ca/2023/02/24/episode-292-learning-by-doing-and-baptism-by-pyromancy-with-oskar-soderberg/


Library patrons coming in and requesting your books increases the chances phenomenally that they will order and carry your book. With the help of readers, who are also library patrons, it is often as simple as having them ask their acquisitions librarian to carry the book. So, it pays to encourage readers to request your books at their local libraries.

Purchase Link for An Author’s Guide to Working With Libraries & Bookstores: https://www.amazon.com/Authors-Libraries-Bookstores-Publishing-Solutions-ebook/dp/B082DJ1GZ6

Building Relationships

Getting your book listed on Overdrive and the other library services provides the access, and if people are requesting your book it demonstrates demand. But you can tell everyone over and over to walk into their local library and request your books, but there’s no way to assure they will follow through. And if they do, that’s great! Your books may now be carried in local libraries wherever it has been requested. But what about local libraies in your area, or in the area where your book is set?

This is the part that requires work on the author’s part. Just like books don’t sell themselves, they also don’t magically appear in libraries.

The library is a great place to discover local authors, and many folks are really into that. If your book is available in your local library, the folks who are into local authors may just discover your book, and go on to buy other books written by you. And if you write with settings in local areas, those libraries are likely to have folks interested in a book set near their homes. For example, my Women in the West series is set on the Colorado frontier, with stops in towns such as Leadville (Delilah) and Glenwood Springs (Sarah), and since they are historical fiction, they feature events and people from the local histories for those areas, so people who live there could be interested in those stories. The Leadville and Gunnison libraries are likely places where I’d like to see my books carried.

Local libraries are the easiest to build a relationship with, because it’s likely that you are already a patron, and a familiar face there. But you can’t just walk in and say, “Hey, I’m a local author, so you should carry my books.” That would be too much like a cold call, unless your face is very familiar there. But it also takes research to build the right relationships. Chances are, there are several librarians working in your local library, and while it doesn’t hurt to be familiar with all of them, the acquisitions librarian is the the one who offers the most benefit, because they are the person who decides which books to purchase for the library. If you can build a solid relationship with the acquisitions librarian, you might even get them to carry your print books, too.

I know one local author who just walked into the library and asked if they would display and sell her book there. They were quite agreeable to this, and she left a stack of print books, which they kept stacked on a corner of the checkout desk, where library patrons would see them, as they prepared to depart. Her book wasn’t even carried on the library shelves, but library patrons found her book there. She had her foot in the door, but didn’t build on the relationship. It’s too bad she didn’t take that next step and ask the library to purchase a copy, or even offered to donate a book for their shelves.

So, how do you build a relationship with your local librarians? You might start by introducing yourself, and letting them know what it is you have to offer. I’m not just talking about your books. Offer to do readings or to speak on a topic of your expertise. Libraries are always on the lookout for guest speakers, and often host local authors for readings. These are events that will draw patrons into their library, and they like that. Once you’ve done a reading of one of your books, the library is much more likely to carry on their shelves.


Author Kaye Lynne Booth

For Kaye Lynne Booth, writing is a passion. Kaye Lynne is an author with published short fiction and poetry, both online and in print, including her short story collection, Last Call and Other Short Fiction; and her paranormal mystery novella, Hidden Secrets; Book 1 of her Women in the West adventure series, Delilah, and her Time-Travel Adventure novel, The Rock Star & The Outlaw. Kaye holds a dual M.F.A. degree in Creative Writing with emphasis in genre fiction and screenwriting, and an M.A. in publishing. Kaye Lynne is the founder of WordCrafter Quality Writing & Author Services and WordCrafter Press. She also maintains an authors’ blog and website, Writing to be Read, where she publishes content of interest in the literary world.


Want exclusive content? Join Kaye Lynne Booth & WordCrafter Press Readers’ Group for WordCrafter Press book & event news, including the awesome releases of author Kaye Lynne Booth. She won’t flood your inbox, she NEVER sells her list, and you might get a freebie occasionally. Get a free digital copy of her short story collection, Last Call and Other Short Fiction, just for joining.

WordCrafter Books Are Discounted for the 2024 Smashwords Read an Ebook Week


March 3 – 9, 2024


On Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/ebookweek


All WordCrafter Press books

The Discount:

50% off!

Find all WordCrafter Press books on Smashwords:


Get all your favorite WordCrafter Press books today!

If there are WordCrafter Press books on your TBR list, now is the time to buy them. All WordCrafter Press Books are 50% off for the Smashwords 2024 Read an Ebook Week. That’s right. All titles in the WordCrafter Press catalog are on discounted 50% this week only on Smashwords.

Titles Included:

  • Ask the Authors: Writing Reference Anthology, by Kaye Lynne Booth, et. al.
  • Ask the Authors 2022: Writing Reference Anthology, by Kaye Lynne Booth, et. al.
  • Behind Closed Doors: A Collection of Unusual Poems, by Robbie Cheadle
  • Delilah: Book 1 of the Women in the West adventure series, by Kaye Lynne Booth
  • Feral Tenderness: Poetry & Photography, by Arthur Rosch
  • Hidden Secrets: Paranormal Mystery Novella, by Kaye Lynne Booth
  • Last Call and Other Short Fiction: short story collection, by Kaye Lynne Booth
  • Lingering Spirit Whispers: Paranormal Anthology bundle, by Kaye Lynne Booth, et. al.
  • Midnight Roost: Weird and Creepy Stories, by Kaye Lynne Booth, et. al.
  • Once Upon an Ever After: Modern Fairy Tales & Folklore, by Kaye Lynne Booth, et. al.
  • Poetry Treasures: Poetry Anthology, by Kaye Lynne Booth and Robbie Cheadle, et. al.
  • Poetry Treasures 2: Relationships: Poetry Anthology, by Kaye Lynne Booth and Robbie Cheadle, et. al.
  • Poetry Treasures 3: Passions: Poetry Anthology, by Kaye Lynne Booth and Robbie Cheadle, et. al.
  • Raise the Tide: Daily Devotional, by James Richards
  • Refracted Reflections: Twisted Tales of Duality & Deception, by Kaye Lynne Booth, et. al.
  • Small Wonders: Reflective Poems, by Kaye Lynne Booth
  • Spirits of the West: Western Paranormal Anthology, by Kaye Lynne Booth, et. al.
  • The Rock Star & The Outlaw: Time Travel Adventure, by Kaye Lynne Booth
  • Visions: Multi-genre Anthology, by Kaye Lynne Booth, et. al.
  • Where Spirits Linger: Paranormal Anthology, by Kaye Lynne Booth, et. al.
  • Whispers of the Past: Paranormal Anthology, by Kaye Lynne Booth, et. al.

Exciting News! The Rock Star & The Outlaw in Audiobook

Audiobook Cover: Huge sundial lightning and a planet in the background. Long haired girl in leather and guy dressed as cowboy stand behind gigantic guitar in forefront. 
Text: The Rock Star & The Outlaw, Kaye Lynne Booth, When a woman with a guitar meets a cowboy with a gun, it's time to travel, AI Audio Narrated

It’s here! If you’ve been waiting for The Rock Star & The Outlaw to come out in audio, it’s finally here!

I’m so excited! The Rock Star & the Outlaw is now available in AI Narrated Audio through Apple Books for only 7.99.


The audio book is AI narrated, but don’t let that deter you without giving it a chance. The female voiced narration is actually pretty good. And there’s a button where you can listen to a sample on the book’s page at Apple Books, so you can check it out before you buy. Above is the direct link, but it’s also listed on the book’s Books2Read page with all the other distributors where it’s available, so you can get it in digital or print, if you prefer.


If you don’t have your copy yet, what are you waiting for?


Still need convincing? Check out these reviews.

Kyrosmagica: https://mjmallon.com/2023/11/12/review-of-the-rockstar-the-outlaw-godsangel1-bookreview-time-travel-adventure-western-outlaw-rockstar/

Selma: https://selmamartin.com/a-book-review-the-rock-star-and-the-outlaw-by-kaye-lynne-booth/

Roberta Writes: https://roberta-writes.com/2024/01/23/roberta-writes-book-reviews-dont-lose-your-head-by-dave-williams-and-the-rockstar-the-outlaw-by-kaye-lynne-booth-bookreviews-readingcommunity/

Book Trailer

Or you can check out the book trailer here:


Want exclusive content? Join Kaye Lynne Booth & WordCrafter Press Readers’ Group for WordCrafter Press book & event news, including the awesome releases of author Kaye Lynne Booth. She won’t flood your inbox, she NEVER sells her list, and you might get a freebie occasionally. Get a free digital copy of her short story collection, Last Call and Other Short Fiction, just for joining.

WordCrafter Holiday Extravaganza Sale

The WordCrafter Sale of the Year

Did you know that WordCrafter is having a Holiday Extravaganza Sale that includes every book in the entire WordCrafter Press backlist?

That’s right.

And books make great holiday gifts. Treat someone you know or treat yourself this holiday season.

December 1 – 22 every book in the WordCrafter Press back list is at a discounted price. Check it out.

Writing References

Book Cover: Large question marks, an ink well and colorful quill
Text: Ask The Authors, A WordCrafter Writing Reference Anthology, Compiled and Edited by Kaye Lynne Boothj

Ask The Authors – Only .99 cents


Book Cover: Large question marks, an ink well and a colorful quill
Text: Ask The Authors 2022, A WordCrafter Writing Reference Anthology, Compiled and Edited by KAye Lynne Booth

Ask The Authors 2022 – Only $2.99


Fantasy/Science Fiction/Paranormal/Horror Anthologies

Once Upon an Ever After:

Modern Fairy Tales & Folklore

Only $2.50


Refracted Reflections:

Twisted Tales of Duality & Deception

Only $2.50


Visions – Only $2.99


Poetry Anthologies & Collections

Poetry Treasures – Only $2.99


Poetry Treasures 2: Relationships

Only $2.50


Behind Closed Doors:

a collection of unusual poems

by Robbie Cheadle

Only $2.99


Feral Tenderness:

Poetry and Photography

by Arthur Rosch

Only $2.99


Books By Kaye Lynne Booth

Last Call

And Other Short Fiction

by Kaye Lynne Booth

Only .99 cents


Hidden Secrets

Paranormal Mystery Novella

by Kaye Lynne Booth

Only $1.99


Daily Devotionals

Raise the Tide

Daily Devotional

by James Richards


Paranormal Anthologies

Whispers of the Past

Paranormal Anthology

Only $1.99


Spirits of the West

Western Paranormal Anthology

Only $1.99


Where Spirits Linger

Paranormal Anthology

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Join WordCrafter for Sonoran Dawn’s Yuletide Jingle- Cover Reveal Party


This is an invitation for you all to join WordCrafter Press for the holidays over on Sonoran Dawn’s Yuletide Jingle – Cover Reveal Party. This holiday book event will last three days, December 9th – 11th, with three different time blocks will be available for author takeovers, so all our author friends around the globe will have opportunity to participate. Come promote your work, party with us, and be there for the cover reveal for The Town Santa Forgot, the new short story by DL Mullan. You can R.S.V.P. at the link above or watch for my invites on Facebook. Sign up for an author takeover as soon as she posts the schedules, because author slots may go quickly.


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Treasuring Poetry: Meet poet, Selma Martin, and a review of her poetry book, In The Shadow of Rainbows: A Collection of Songs of Presence

Today I am delighted to introduce poet, Selma Martin, who has just published a beautiful book of poetry entitled In The Shadow of Rainbows.

Selma has started her interview with a quote and a truly lovely commentary about my book, Lion Scream. I have included it because it is so kind of Selma to have written it, and I appreciate her comments and review a great deal, but please remember that this post is about Selma and her poetry and gorgeous book.

Poems are made by fools like me

But without support, I’ve nowise to be 

Robbie, you’ve no idea how much my enthusiasm level has risen just at the thought of being here with you for this interview. I’m truly honored. And I wish to begin by telling you that I respect you all the more after completing your lovely poetry collection, Lion Scream which I read from start to finish several times. What a lovely book you blessed the world with, Robbie. May we all continue to find grace and compassion in books that enlighten our optimistic approach to everything our world is experiencing at the moment. As someone once wrote, the solutions are there when the problems are recognized. I think that collectively we’ve come to recognize that we have a big problem. So it’s my sincere hope that in this lifetime we figure out where we should put our collective efforts. Your book provides a venue to initiate constructive markers of where we need to start. And together work to narrow the gap between our two realities. Yes, there are two realities: 

  1. Objective reality – “the world out there.” The world of your senses
  2. Subjective reality – “the world in here.”  The world of our minds; the world of emotions and feelings–composed of thoughts, opinions and judgments, and emotions.

I stand by what I wrote on Amazon: Your book is a must-read!

Now onto the questions that I’m ever so happy to respond to:

You have recently released your first poetry collection, In the Shadow of Rainbows. What inspired the poetry in this book? Does it have a particular theme?

SELMA: Inspiration waits for us at every corner, and one is always hoping that it will pat us on the shoulder and remain with us for the duration of the journey. For me, it got a nudge after I completed my 60th trip around the sun. Nothing is more inspiring than realizing that I have lived more life than I have left to live. This is the truth. And the only gauge I went by with my collection was to amass sixty poems.  Well, I wrote more than sixty, thinking that a few wouldn’t make the cut but my editor, Ingrid Wilson of Experiments in Fiction allowed me a little more than sixty; sixty-four resulted. I am grateful. 
As I mentioned in the book, I set sail without a strict theme but kept the faith that one would appear. That of shadows was so strong that at one point I fancied naming the collection Shadows, Whispers, and Echoes. But then, as I mention in the book, an old memory of finding rainbows on my eyelashes acted as my rudder and so there you have it: In The Shadow of Rainbows. I think the title fits the theme so well. Deep bow to my editor. Deep bow to my cover photographer.

Picture caption: The cover of Selma’s book, In the Shadow of Rainbows. I agree that it is very beautiful.

Do you do a lot of editing of your poetry or does the poem manifest itself fully formed?

SELMA: Oh my, let me quote from a haiku from Tachibana Genjiro(1665-1718): I write, erase write, erase again, and then a poppy blooms.
It’s a lot of writing, deleting, and rewriting indeed. And even after my poppy blooms I still find incidents where I wish to start over. So, yes, I do lots of editing; and no, so far no poem has ever manifested itself fully formed for me. 

What do you find to be the most effective way of sharing your poetry with fellow poetry lovers?

SELMA: Writing and sharing my work here on WordPress is the only way I know and feel comfortable sharing my work with other poetry lovers. I’m fully aware that there are other online magazines where I can share my work, but for some reason, I hold back from going the distance because sometimes I don’t feel deserving enough. Or perhaps it is that I need to feel a connection to my readers like I’ve begun to feel with my readers here on WordPress? 
Also, there is the issue of time and timing. I never want to overdo it; I think we need variety, and so I refrain from posting even on my website at times. 
At the moment, I’ve created a beautiful respectful relationship with the Editor of Masticadores USA, Barbara Leonhard, and so I sometimes submit my work there. I’m so grateful that Barbara helps me to reach other audiences and I’m working hard to jump on the bandwagon the next time someone calls for submissions to an anthology that fits my writing.

Do you think poetry is still a relevant form of expressing ideas in our modern world? If yes, why?

Poetry is not new–we know this. It’s the oldest, or at least one of the oldest forms of intimate expressions we humans have had. In today’s fast-paced society, the extraordinary value of the word hasn’t diminished. (Take that, emojis) and we humans will never be irreverent to this art form. Poetry will always rank high in relevance as long as there exist people like you and me. Me think so. 

Which of your own poems is your favorite and why?

Oh, no no no. I don’t have a favorite; I like them all, really I do! But I will share one and honestly hope you find it to your taste. 

Slice of Life

Flanked between two wanings, I live you,

planting the light hours with loving acts,

for you, for us, for our ménage,

and when I meet the dusk, filled,

ready for our mingling at the table,

where we swap slices of lived moments

of the same day, hearts swell replete.

I chose one of the shortest poems in the collection to share with you. It’s strategically placed as the penultimate poem in the book, and I’m happy to elucidate on this poetry form that touched me. 
In its true form, it’s a Kwansaba poem, an African-American verse form of praise: a praise poem that celebrates family. The Kwansaba (Swahili kwan -first fruit/saba -principle) was created in 1995 by Eugene B. Redmond, East St. Louis Poet Laureate and professor of English at Southern Illinois University-East St. Louis. The form was developed in honor of the celebration of Kwanzaa. The poetic form adopts the number 7 from Kwanzaa’s Nguzo Saba (7 principles) as well as embraces its roots in the South African tradition of the Praise Poem. 
The 7 principles of Kwanzaa are unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith. Each day of the celebration focuses on one of the principles. Isn’t this just such a beautiful principle? I think it is, as all the principles take off at unity which starts at the family level. 

I wrote it originally for a dVerse prompt in December 2021–then, I abbreviated some words to meet the exact count of sevens but changed it a bit for clarity to include in the book. It’s about family, and I hope you like it. 

Which poem by any other poet that you’ve read, do you relate to the most and why?

SELMA: Oh, you got me on this question again, Robbie. There are so many poems to choose from. And I relate to them when I read them. Indeed it’s like asking which is your favorite color today or your favorite sunset… but I will share one of the poems I like.  As to why this poem, I dare say it’s because I love it when we enter this season. Also, I adore the poet’s style and the vernacular he uses in this gorgeous poem. I found it on Poetry Foundation to share here with you. Take a look: 

When the Frost is on the Punkin

BY JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY (1849–1916) When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock,
And you hear the kyouck and gobble of the struttin’ turkey-cock,
And the clackin’ of the guineys, and the cluckin’ of the hens,
And the rooster’s hallylooyer as he tiptoes on the fence;
O, it’s then’s the times a feller is a-feelin’ at his best,
With the risin’ sun to greet him from a night of peaceful rest,
As he leaves the house, bareheaded, and goes out to feed the stock,
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock.

They’s something kindo’ harty-like about the atmusfere
When the heat of summer’s over and the coolin’ fall is here—
Of course we miss the flowers, and the blossums on the trees,
And the mumble of the hummin’-birds and buzzin’ of the bees;
But the air’s so appetizin’; and the landscape through the haze
Of a crisp and sunny morning of the airly autumn days
Is a pictur’ that no painter has the colorin’ to mock—
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock.

The husky, rusty russel of the tossels of the corn,
And the raspin’ of the tangled leaves, as golden as the morn;
The stubble in the furries—kindo’ lonesome-like, but still
A-preachin’ sermuns to us of the barns they growed to fill;
The strawstack in the medder, and the reaper in the shed;
The hosses in theyr stalls below—the clover over-head!—
O, it sets my hart a-clickin’ like the tickin’ of a clock,
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock!

Then your apples all is gethered, and the ones a feller keeps
Is poured around the celler-floor in red and yeller heaps;
And your cider-makin’ ’s over, and your wimmern-folks is through
With their mince and apple-butter, and theyr souse and saussage, too! …
I don’t know how to tell it—but ef sich a thing could be
As the Angels wantin’ boardin’, and they’d call around on me
I’d want to ’commodate ’em—all the whole-indurin’ flock—
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock!
I love love love this poem. Golly, Robbie, I hope you liked it too.

My review of In The Shadow of Rainbows by Selma Martin

A most enjoyable collection of poems that seeks to find the upliftment, or silver lining, in the ordinary and everyday experiences of people, including the poet herself. The poems acknowledge human failings and short comings but attempt (successfully I thought) to put them into perspective and find the happiness and joy in life despite the imperfections humans, as a species, tend to exhibit when faced with challenges and dealing with experiences, both good and bad.

A few short quotations from some of my favourite poems in the collection are as follows:

“perfect specimens
of imperfection
you and I” from Give Back

“When death comes
I want to be led into eternity
curious, full of joy” from When Death Comes

“One fine day, I recognized the smell of summer,
the languid air of the somnolent noon,
so I rose and walked away from the wheelchair
hands outstretched, to the hollycocks there.” from Angel August

All of us experience ups and downs in life. Anything that can help us find perspective thereby gaining understanding and solace, is worth embracing. This book does that and is an inspired and inspiring read.

About Selma Martin

Selma Martin is a retired English teacher with 20 years of teaching children ESL. She believes in people’s goodness and in finding balance in simple living. She lives in Japan with her husband of thirty-three years. In 2018, Selma participated in a networking course whose final lesson was to publish a story on Amazon. After many failed attempts, she completed the course and self-published her short story, Wanted: Husband/Handyman, in 2019. Later, collaborating with peers from that course, she published Wanted: Husband/Handyman in an anthology, Once Upon A Story: A Short Fiction Anthology. Selma has published stories on Medium for many years, in MasticadoresUSAThe Poetorium At StarlightShort Fiction Break, and Spillwords. After her first NaPoWriMo 2021, Selma writes poetry on her website, selmamartin.com, and in July 2023, published a debut poetry collection on Amazon
You can find Selma, selmawrites, on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. But if you wish to engage and create a meaningful interaction with Selma: add value, nurture trust, and share engaging content from the ordinary perspective of someone navigating life in today’s fast-paced culture, you may join her once-a-month pen pal newsletter

Other ways of contacting Selma

 EMAIL: selma@selmamartin . com OR selmagogowrites@gmail .

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/selmawrites/ 

TWITTER/X: https://twitter.com/SelmaWrites

About Robbie Cheadle

Photo of Robbie Cheadle standing in front of trees.

Award-winning, bestselling author, Robbie Cheadle, has published thirteen children’s book and three poetry books. Her work has also appeared in poetry and short story anthologies.

Robbie also has two novels published under the name of Roberta Eaton Cheadle and has horror, paranormal, and fantasy short stories featured in several anthologies under this name.

The ten Sir Chocolate children’s picture books, co-authored by Robbie and Michael Cheadle, are written in sweet, short rhymes which are easy for young children to follow and are illustrated with pictures of delicious cakes and cake decorations. Each book also includes simple recipes or biscuit art directions which children can make under adult supervision.

Robbie’s blog includes recipes, fondant and cake artwork, poetry, and book reviews. https://robbiesinspiration.wordpress.com/

Still 3 days left for the Smashwords End of Year Sale

You may have heard about the recent merger between Draft2Digital and Smashwords. Since WordCrafter Press publishes through D2D, that means that WordCrafter Press books are now available through the Smashwords Store, as well as through he retailers which they have always been available through. It also means that WordCrafter Press books are included in the Smashwords End of Year Sale. There are three days left to get all WordCrafter Press books at great discounts, many are free. WordCrafter Press books have never been this discounted before, so get them while you can. And there is a plethora of other indie books set at great prices, too.
