Losing Michael

I lost my nineteen year old son to suicide. That was one of the darkest days of my life. At first, I wrote and wrote, and everything I wrote was about him in one way or antoher. It took two years before I could publish anything about him which would be shared with the public. It’s taken me almost a decade to be able to work with all the materials and memories to shape them into a cohesive story. Now, that is my challenge and what  you will find here are some of the pieces that help to tell Michael’s story as well as my own.

Losing Michael: Teen Suicide and a Mother’s Grief







Profile 2


You waited almost 11 years to run and play with your boy again.

You are with Michael now.

July 29, 2019

Past posts pertaining to Michael:

Author Update: The Making of a Memoir on Hold Indefinitely – 6/12/19

The Making of a Memoir: Roadblocks and Obstacles – 4/8/19

The Making of a Memoir: Stage 1: Prewriting Tasks – 2/11/19

Wake Me Up When September Ends – 9/10/18

It’s All a Matter of Time – 8/27/18

A Tribute to My Son – 9/19/16

Why Fiction is Better than Fact – 2/8/16

 We Miss You – 9/21/10


 Now You Walk With Angels

It has been a year now

Since you were taken from this life.

Our family now is broken.

Your death has caused such strife.

You were a very special person,

An old soul, if you will.

You had a whole life ahead of you

Since you left us, time stands still.

Now you walk with angels,

Perhaps soaring on new wings.

We cry and miss you oh, so much

We can’t go on to other things.

It feels like only yesterday

That you were still right here.

We long to hear your voice once more,

To see your face, so dear.

It’s not right that you were taken

When you were still so very young.

You were whisked from life so brutally

Before your song was fully sung.

Now you walk with angels,

Perhaps soaring on new wings.

Someday we will be with you, but now,

We must wait to see what fate will bring.

We miss everything about you

Your smile, your hugs, your voice.

The potential stood before you

To create the destiny of your choice.

What hurts the most, is knowing we won’t

Watch you grow into a man.

To know what fate held in store for you

It seems God had other plans.

Now you walk with angels,

Perhaps soaring on new wings.

Through our tears, we long to hear

The music you now sing.