WordCrafter News: My Backyard Friends Release and Tour & Summer Reading List Discounts

Newsprint background. WordCrafter quill logo Text: WordCrafter News

July Releases

The first three books in the My Backyard Friends kid’s book series will be released through retailers on July 16th. Written by me, Kaye Lynne Booth and Illustrated by Robbie Cheadle this series brings kids stories with moral lessons, inspired by the birds and animals that visit my backyard. All three are available for preorder now.

Heather Hummingbird Makes a New Friend (Ages 3-5): https://books2read.com/u/471vzj

Timothy Turtle Discovers Jellybeans (Ages 3-5): https://books2read.com/u/3LL5K7

Charlie Chickadee Gets a New Home (Ages 6-8): https://books2read.com/u/md2YLO

Meet the Characters of the My Backyard Friends Kid’s Book Series

Join us July 15-22 for the WordCrafter My Backyard Friends Book Blog Tour to send this kid’s book series off right. We’ll have a My Backyard Friends store with exclusive offers for books and MBF merchandise you won’t want to miss. The store will go up one opening day and will be available throughout this eight-day tour. Other stops will feature character interviews, guest posts from me and one from Robbie, as well as reviews of each book.

WordCrafter Press Summer Reading List Discounts

Short fiction anthologies on the WordCrafter Press Summer Reading List are discounted through August 31. Get these fantastic anthologies at great prices while they last for some entertaining and captivating summer reads.


This segment of “WordCrafter News” is sponsored by WordCrafter Quality Writing & Author Services.

WordCrafter Logo: Letters WC with a quill in the background.

Whether it’s editing, publishing, or promotion that you need, WordCrafter Quality Writing & Author Services can help at a price you can afford.

Stop by and see what we have to offer today: https://writingtoberead.com/readings-for-writers/wordcrafter-quality-writing-author-services/

WordCrafter News: Changes Coming for WordCrafter & Writing to be Read And New Release

Be a Writing to be Read Sponsor

Many of you know me, but for those who don’t, I’m author Kaye Lynne Booth. Through Writing to be Read and WordCrafter, I’ve been able to do some pretty cool things, WordCrafter Book Blog Tours, the annual short fiction contest, and the annual short fiction and poetry anthologies published by WordCrafter Press. But along with that comes the operational costs and the annual fee for this blog and domain name will be due in July, and I have discovered that I’m not making enough writing full-time to cover everything. So I got to thinking about other ways that this blog could start paying off, as I struggle to make all of this work.

I got an idea from watching what is working for one of my fellow authors, Patty Fletcher. She produces a sponsored newsletter, which seems to get the desired result. You may know that newsletters are not my strong point, especially if you are already a member of my readers group. Sorry about that guys and gals who are signed up. I promise to try to do better in the future.

I’ve decided to take on book related sponsors only for Writing to be Read. Sponsors will have a mention in the post of your choice, or for a little more you can have a full color ad for your book. Prices can be found on the new Sponsorship page which will be up soon.

So if you follow Writing to be Read and you like the content you find here and find it to be of value, or if you have contributed to or enjoyed any of the annual anthologies published by WordCrafter Press, please consider advertising your work here and becoming a sponsor, and contact me at KLBWordCrafter@gmail.com. I will have sponsor page up soon.

The D.I.Y. Author

Being an author today is more than just writing the book. Authors in this digital age have more opportunities than ever before. Whether you pursue independent or traditional publishing models, or a combination of the two but being an author involves not only writing, but often, the publishing and marketing of the book.In this writer’s reference guide, multi-genre author and independent publisher, Kaye Lynne Booth shares her knowledge and experiences and the tools, books, references and sites to help you learn the business of being an author.

Topics Include:

  • Becoming Prolific
  • Writing Tools
  • Outlining
  • Making Quality a Priority
  • Publishing Models & Trends
  • Marketing Your Book
  • Book Covers & Blurbs
  • Book Events—In Person & Virtual
  • And more…

Purchase link: https://books2read.com/The-DIY-Author

This writer’s reference is must have for upcoming authors aspiring to build an author business and sell books. The D.I.Y. Author releases on June 4th, 2024, but it’s available for pre-order now at the purchase link above. It contains tips and advice on building an author business, from learning to be prolific, to publishing, to marketing and promoting your book.

I’m also hosting a virtual release party right here on Writing to be Read to give this book a proper send off into the world, and I hope you will come and join me. There will be exclusive offers available just for the event, where you can purchase them direct from the author: discounted eBooks, signed print copies, and discounted author services from WordCrafter. So, drop by on the 4th and join in the fun as we launch The D.I.Y. Author.

Here’s the link for the release party but it won’t work until the party goes live on Tuesday morning, June 4th: https://writingtoberead.com/?p=33911


Want exclusive content? Join Kaye Lynne Booth & WordCrafter Press Readers’ Group for WordCrafter Press book & event news, including the awesome releases of author Kaye Lynne Booth. She won’t flood your inbox, she NEVER sells her list, and you might get a freebie occasionally. Get a free digital copy of her short story collection, Last Call and Other Short Fiction, just for joining.

WordCrafter News: May Release & a Kickstarter Campaign

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May Release

The release of Sarah is finally approaching. The Kickstarter for Sarah didn’t fund, so if you’ve been waiting for a copy of Book 2 in this western historical women’s fiction series, Women in the West, you’ll be as pleased as I will be when May 7th roles around and Sarah becomes available through all the major distributors. Of course, we’ll be holding a book blog tour to send it off right May 6th – 10th, so be sure to drop by and join in on the fun for interviews, reviews, blog posts and a great giveaway.

Pre-Order Now: https://books2read.com/u/3RXlRx

Sarah is a young girl trying to make a place for herself in the world.

Sarah is not the young girl who was stolen away from Delilah anymore. Now she is Hair of Fire, mate of Three Hawks, even as she blossoms into a young woman and tries to make a place for herself among the Ute tribe.

When she is stolen away from the life she’s made with the Utes, she struggles to survive in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. A streak of stubbornness and determination take this tough, feisty heroine up against wild beasts of the forest and the rugged mountain landscape to Glenwood Springs, Colorado, where she receives a less than welcoming reception by some.

Will this young woman find her way back to the Ute tribe, which she’s come to think of as family, or will she discover a place among the colorful inhabitants of the Colorado hot springs and mining town?

Follow along on her journey to learn who she truly is and where she belongs in this rough, and often hostile frontier.

If you like strong and capable female protagonists, you’ll love Sarah.

Kickstarter Campaign

I’ll be running a Kickstarter campaign for The D.I.Y. Author May 19th – June 8. When you back a Kickstarter project, not only do you show your support for the author, but you also get cool stuff not available anywhere else. The exclusive Kickstarter rewards for Sarah’s campaign include early digital copies, signed print copies, author services at huge discounts, and more.

If you’re an author who hasn’t hit six figures yet, looking for ways to build your author business and make it grow, this writer’s reference is for you. In it I share my journey from published poet and blogger to published author and independent publisher along with tips and suggestions from my own research and experience. When you can’t afford to outsource, you must learn to do it yourself. In The D.I.Y. Author, I share with you ways to learn the needed skills to build an author business, and you too, can be a D.I.Y. author.

Book Cover: A manual typewriter with a page of typed words visible in foreground. A shelf of books in the background. Text on page: Write a Book, Format the Story, Publish the Manuscript, Create an Outline, Create a Marketing Plan, Generate Reviews, Hide Under the Covers Text: The D.I.Y. Author, Kaye Lynne Booth

About the D.I.Y. Author

Being an author today is more than just writing the book. Authors in this digital age have more opportunities than ever before. Whether you pursue independent or traditional publishing models, or a combination of the two but being an author involves not only writing, but often, the publishing and marketing of the book.

In this writer’s reference guide, multi-genre author and independent publisher, Kaye Lynne Booth shares her knowledge and experiences learning the business of being an author.

Topics Include:

Becoming Prolific

Writing Tools


Making Quality a Priority

Publishing Models & Trends

Marketing Your Book

Book Covers & Blurbs

Book Events—In Person & Virtual

And more…


If you’d like to show your support for this author, you can make a donation to Writing to be Read for as little as a cup of coffee. All support is appreciated.

WordCrafter News: Celebrate National Poetry Month with WordCrafter Press & Approaching Short Fiction Deadline

Newsprint background with WordCrafter logo and text: WordCrafter News

Celebrating National Poetry Month

WordCrafter is celebrating National Poetry Month with discounted poetry books and the release of Poetry Treasures 4: Natural World.

Discounted Poetry Books

All WordCrafter Press poetry collections and anthologies will be only $2.99 each through the month of April. This includes:

Poetry Treasures 4: The Natural World

I’m pleased to announce that Poetry Treasures 4: Natural World will be released in April. Featuring the poetry of Andrew McDowell, Robbie Cheadle, Patricia Furstenberg, Marsha Meara, Luanne Castle, D.L. Finn, Emily Gmitter, Kaye Lynne Booth, Selma Martin, Meril D. Smith, Frank Prem, and Colleen Chesebro. We are shooting for April 8th for this one, but stay tuned, as I’ll be posting an updates with more information on its release.

Short Fiction Contest Deadline

Just a reminder: The deadline for the 2024 WordCrafter Short Fiction Contest is April 30. So get those dark fiction stories in before it is too late. It’s only $5 to enter. Winner guaranteed inclusion in the WordCrafter 2024 Short Fiction Anthology, as yet untitled. You can find submission guidelines and fee entry portal here: https://writingtoberead.com/2024/01/01/call-for-submissions/

Book with futuristic sci. fi. feel - (elevator and gears)
Text: Dark Fiction, Edited by Kaye Lynne Booth

WordCrafter News: Special Christmas Edition – Looking Forward to 2024 & Early Call For Submissions

Newsprint background. WordCrafter quill logo Text: WordCrafter News

Looking Forward to 2024

WordCrafter Press

2024 promises to be exciting at WordCrafter Press and I am thrilled to tell you about it.

In January, book 2 of the Women in the West series, Sarah launches on Kickstarter and its going to be a good one. Rewards will include not only early digital and signed print copies of Sarah, but Special Edition Illustrated copies of both Sarah and Delilah, never before offered.

In March, Sarah will be released through distributors, and will be available at your favorite online retailers. I’ll be launching with a book blog tour and giveaway, so be sure and watch for that.

In April, Poetry Treasures 4: Natural World will be released through distributors. (The cover pictured above is just a fill in.) Featuring poetry written by guests of the 2023 “Treasuring Poetry” blog series with Robbie Cheadle. There will be a book blog tour for this book, with audio/video readings by the poets.

In May, my nonfiction writing reference book, D.I.Y. Author will be released through distributors, and will be available at your favorite online retailers. If you’re an author on a shoestring budget determined to find ways to write and sell books, this book is for you. Naturally, a book blog tour and giveaway will accompany this release.

In July, we have a Kickstarter campaign planned for my children’s book series. I’ll be releasing the first three books in the My Backyard Friends series, Heather Hummingbird Makes a New Friend, Timothy Turtle Discovers Jellybeans, and Charlie Chickadee Finds a New Home. After a first illustrator experience which turned sour, these books have been awaiting an illustrator for eight years. But I finally found one, whose illustrations I am proud to have featured in my books, Robbie Cheadle. If you know her, you might be familiar with the wonderful illustrations she’s begun to do recently, and you’ll understand why I am so thrilled to have her as an illustrator. These stories feature animal and bird characters in tales that each teach a social lesson. With Robbie’s beautiful illustrations, they are not to be missed.

In August, the first three books in the My Backyard Friends series will be released through distributors, and will be available at all your favorite distributors. I’ll be launching with a book blog tour and giveaway.

In September, a by invitation only themed anthology, Tales From The Hanging Tree, will be released through distributors and launched with a book blog tour and giveaway, with audio/video readings by the authors.

In October, the 2024 WordCrafter anthology will be released. Each year I release the annual anthology in October, which is just a scary month. Halloween is my favorite holiday, and I love scary stories, and other scary stuff, so releasing in October is condusive to dark fiction. In 2023, we had a great line-up of dark and scary stories in Midnight Roost, so we’re going with a dark fiction theme again this year. It will include both by invitation submissions and contest submissions that are worthy, and feature the winning story from the contest. (See Call for Submissions below.)

WordCrafter Quality Writing & Author Services

I’m happy to announce that in 2024, WordCrafter will be adding Book Trailers to our list of quality author services. We will have three different trailer designers available to choose from: myself, Robbie Cheadle and DL Mullan, and they will be offered at affordable prices.

Other services offered include editing and publishing services and WordCrafter Book Blog Tours. I still have time slots available for editing services into 2024. Learn more at Write it Right Quality Editing Services.

Writing to be Read

Author Jeff Bowles 

Text: Pop with Jeff Bowles

On Writing to be Read, 2024 promises more of the new monthly blog series, “POP with Jeff Bowles”, which has been well recepted. A blog series about all things POP, the first Wednesday of every month.

We also have a new addition to the WtbR team. Starting in January, DL Mullan will be bringing us another new blog series the first Friday of each month, “Undawntech: Technology and the Creative Arts”. Be sure to check it out and give Dawn a big welcome.

Call for Submissions – 2024 WordCrafter Anthology

It’s time for the Call for Submissions for the 2024 WordCrafter Anthology, which we’re calling “Dark Fiction” for now. Dark fiction is the theme: horror, paranormal, dark fantasy, science fiction, speculative fiction. Any genre as long as it is dark or scary will do. I’m leaving it wide in the hopes of bringing in a diverse selection of stories that will keep readers awake at night.

Submission Guidelines

Genres: Paranormal, Dark Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction, Dark Humor, Speculative Fiction any combination there of.

Length: up to 5000 words

Submission Deadline: April 30, 2023

Submissions open January 1 and close on April 30. Watch for the January 1 post for full submission guidelines and contest entry.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All!


Join Kaye Lynne Booth & WordCrafter Press Readers’ Group for WordCrafter Press book & event news, including the awesome releases of author Kaye Lynne Booth. Get a free digital copy of her short story collection, Last Call and Other Short Fiction, as a sampling of her works just for joining

WordCrafter News: Spend the Holidays with WordCrafter

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WordCrafter quill logo
Text: WordCrafter News

NoNoWriMo 2023

Bookcover. Monochrome Indian tepees in background. Young girl wrapped in Indian blanket in foreground. Text: Sarah, Women in the West adventure series, Kaye Lynne Booth

All through the month of November, I was busily working on Sarah, the second book in my Women in the West adventure series. I have a Kickstarter campaign planned for this book in January, and it will be released through distributors in March. I have to say that I was on a roll during the first three weeks, only missing the daily goal of 1667 words on all but three of those days. On the 21st, I registered over 35,000 words, with nine days left to reach the overall goal of 50,000.

Then, my computer screen gave up the ghost, and I had no image to work with, bringing me to a grinding halt. I couldn’t retrieve or back up my document, let alone write more.

Fortunately, I have a guardian angel and life long friend, who values my writing and may very well be my biggest fan. She made sure I had a new laptop coming as soon as she heard about my dilemma, in the hopes of saving the day. She is my oldest and dearest friend, and I always seem to hear from her just when I need her. This Thanksgiving session I made sure to offer up special thanks for her friendship.

WordCrafter Holiday Book Extravaganza

You won’t want to miss the WordCrafter Book Extravaganza when you’re looking for those perfect holiday gifts. December 1st – 22nd all books on the WordCrafter Press backlist will be available for under $3 each. The perfect prices for the perfect gifts, because we all know that books make wonderful gifts! Or, you can pick up those titles that have been sitting on your tbr list for yourself, so you’ll have plenty of stories to entertain you during the holiday season.

Books included in the Extravaganza:

Doubling Down on Book Reviews

Box of Books Text: Book Reviews

Starting in November, I’ve posted extra Saturday Book Reviews to get in all the reviews I’ve committed to done before the end of the year. But I discovered that I had so many reviews that I was behind on, that one extra review a week wasn’t enough. So, in December I will also be posting Sunday Book Reviews as well. And I may even post some random extras, if I get all the way caught up. That’s right. All through December you can catch at least three book reviews per week, and just in time for the holiday season, because we all know books are the best gifts for friends and loved ones, or even just to treat yourself.

WordCrafter News: Giveaway Winners, A Halloween Book Event, NaNoWriMo and a New Blog Series

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Wrapping up the WordCrafter Midnight Roost Book Blog Tour

We had a great tour for Midnight Roost and many of you visited one or more tour stops and commented, for a chance to win a free digital copy of Midnight Roost. We were giving away three copies for this tour, and all that’s left to do now is to give you the winners. So, without further ado…

(Drumroll please.)

And the winners are…

  • BeetleyPete
  • Vera Day
  • Lauren Scott

If your name appears on the above list, please contact me at KLBWordCrafter@gmail.com to claim your free digital copy of Midnight Roost: Weird and Creepy Stories.

In Case You Missed the Tour

Midnight Roost is a truly creepy anthology from 20 talented authors that you won’t want to miss. But, if you missed the tour, you can still get a copy here: https://books2read.com/u/318L0l

About Midnight Roost

Book Cover Dark and scary graveyard background Text: Midnight Roost, Weird and Creepy Stories, A WordCrafterr Anthology, Edited by Kaye Lynne Booth

20 authors bring your nightmares to life in 23 stories of ghosts, paranormal phenomenon, and the horror from the dark crevasses of their minds. Stories of stalkers, both human and supernatural, possession and occult rituals, alien visitations of the strange kind, and ghostly tales that will give you goosebumps. These are the tales that will make you fear the dark. Read them at the Midnight Roost… if you dare.

Halloween Book Event

Tomorrow is Halloween. My favorite holiday. To celebrate, WordCrafter is cohosting the author takeover during Sonoran Dawn’s Black Cauldron All Hallow’s Eve Book Event all Halloween day. Join us for promos, games, and giveaways, Halloween music and a whole lot more. Sign up and join in at the link below.


Author takeover spots are available. If interested in promoting your books, artwork, or other creative projects, contact me at KLBWordCrafter@gmail.com and put Author Takeover in the subject line.

November NaNoWriMo

I’m so excited about participating in National Novel Writing Month this year because I’m itching to delve into Sarah. I’m still not prolific enough to think I’ll write the whole novel in a month, but I know from last year, with The Rock Star & The Outlaw, that participating in NaNoWriMo can offer one heck of a start.

For those who don’t know, Sarah is book 2 in the Women in the West Adventure series. Last January I ran a Kickstarter campaign for book 1, Delilah. I plan to run another Kickstarter campaign for Sarah this coming January, so it is time to write the book. In preparation, I’ve done my research and have a working outline ready. I’ve already had a lot of fun fleshing out the two supporting characters that backers got to name from Delilah’s campaign, Lillian Alura Bennett, and Owoz Crebo. One historical female character which will make an appearance in Sarah, which is a trademark of the series, is Kate Elder, a.k.a. Big Nose Kate, Doc Holiday’s infamous companion. So, I have everything I need at the starting gate, and I’m just waiting for the starting gate to open on November 1st.

New Blog Series Starting in November

I’m so pleased to be able to make this particular announcement. The first Wednesday in November, Jeff Bowles will be returning to the blog with a new blog series about pop culture, “Pop with Jeff Bowles”. He’ll be talking about the many areas of pop culture: comics and comic hero movies, video games, television, music, and more. Drop by Writing to be Read the first Wednesday of each month and check it out.

Note: Also in November and December, you may notice some extra reviews coming out on Saturdays as I try and get in all of my 2023 reads, so I can start fresh in 2024. For requested reviews, I like to post in a timely manner, and I don’t want to wait into the new year to post, as I’ve probably already passed their release date due to my back log. So, if you have requested a review and sent me an ARC copy this year, be watching, because they all should be coming up.


Want exclusive content? Join Kaye Lynne Booth & WordCrafter Press Readers’ Group for WordCrafter Press book & event news, including the awesome releases of author Kaye Lynne Booth. She won’t flood your inbox, she NEVER sells her list, and you might get a freebie occasionally. Get a free digital copy of her short story collection, Last Call and Other Short Fiction, just for joining.

Wordcrafter News: “The Rock Star & The Outlaw” and “Midnight Roost”

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The Rock Star & The Outlaw Kickstarter campaign ending soon

There are just a few days left for you to join in on our campaign! The more we raise, the more rewards we can offer. With the campaign ending soon, it’s almost the last chance to show support for author and project. The deadline is 8/31/23, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to get an early digital copy of the book, a signed print copy, an interview with the author, posters and so much more, available exclusively through the campaign.

The Rock Star & The Outlaw won’t release through distributors until September 18, so it is only available through my Kickstarter at this time. So click on the Kickstarter to learn more about this rocking time-travel adventure.

You can check it out here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kayelynnebooth-wcp/the-rock-star-and-the-outlaw?ref=user_menu

About The Rock Star & The Outlaw

Book Cover: A hour glass in the background and an electric guitar and two pistols in the foreground
Text: The Rock Star & The Outlaw, A Time-Travel Adventure, Kaye Lynne Booth

The Rock Star and The Outlaw is a story from my heart, inspired by the music of The Pretty Reckless, which is my favorite band. It’s a time-travel adventure. Amaryllis Sanchez is a rock Star in 2025. LeRoy McAllister is an outlaw from 1887. They’re both running from the law and other outlaws in their respective times and when they meet, it’s a non-stop adventure through time.

Check out the book trailer video on the Kickstarter page to learn more.

The Rock Star & The Outlaw Book Trailer

More About the Book

A time-traveler oversteps his boundaries in 1887. Things get out of hand quickly, and he is hanged, setting in motion a series of events from which there’s no turning back.

LeRoy McAllister is a reluctant outlaw running from a posse with nowhere to go except to the future.

In 2025, Amaryllis Sanchez is a thrill-seeking rock star on the fast track, who killed her dealing boyfriend to save herself. Now, she’s running from the law and his drug stealing flunkies, and nowhere is safe.

LeRoy falls hard for the rock star, thinking he can save her by taking her back with him. But when they arrive in 1887, things turn crazy fast, and soon they’re running from both the outlaws and the posse, in peril once more.

They can’t go back to the future, so it looks like they’re stuck in the past. But either when, they must face forces that would either lock them up or see them dead.

About the Author

Author Kaye Lynne Booth in the mountains, standing in front of a Jeep.

For Kaye Lynne Booth, writing is her passion. It is a very strange time indeed when Kaye Lynne does not have at least three WIPs, in addition to her other writings, teaching and other life activities. Kaye Lynne lives, works and plays in the beautiful mountains of Colorado.

Visit her author’s blog and website, “Writing to be Read” to learn more about Kaye Lynne Booth and her writing. https://kayelynnebooth.wordpress.com/

Release through distributors & book blog tour

If you miss the Kickstarter, The Rock Star & The Outlaw will release through distributors on September 19, 2023, and to celebrate, well be running a WordCrafter Book Blog Tour September 18-22.

A pcket watch and gun in the background - WordCrafter logo & digital and print copies of "The Rock Star & The Outlaw" in foreground.
Text: WordCrafter Book Blog Tours Presents The Rock Star & The Outlaw by Kaye Lynne Booth

Coming Soon: Midnight Roost

The 2023 WordCrafter Anthology, Midnight Roost will be scheduled for release October 17, 2023. This anthology of weird and creepy stories features works by talented authors including Zack Ellafy, Chris Barili, Joseph Carrabis, DL Mullan, Christa Planko, Paul Kane, Sonia Pipkin, C.R. Johansson, Roberta Eaton Cheadle, Patty Fletcher, Keith J. Hoskins, Denise Aparo, Julie Jones, Rebecca M. Senese, Mario Acevedo, Kaye Lynne Booth, Michaele Jordan,  Robert Kostaczuk. Midnight Roost also features the winning story from the 2023 WordCrafter Short Fiction Contest, “Red Door House”, by Isabel Grey. More to come in next month’s “WordCrafter News”.


Want exclusive content? Join Kaye Lynne Booth & Readers’ Group for WordCrafter Press book & event news, including the awesome releases of author Kaye Lynne Booth. She won’t flood your inbox, she NEVER sells her list, and you might get a freebie occasionally. Get a free digital copy of her short story collection, Last Call and Other Short Fiction, just for joining.

WordCrafter News: The Rock Star & The Outlaw Kickstarter Campaign

Newspring background with WordCrafter logo and text: WordCrafter News

August Kickstarter Campaign

I’m so excited! The Rock Star & The Outlaw is finally ready to make its debut, and it will be making its first appearance in an August Kickstarter campaign from August 1 to August 30, 2023. It will be released through distributors on Septmber 19, 2023, as well, but the Kickstarter campaign is an opportunity to get in on the ground floor, so to speak, and a chance to get early digital copies or signed print copies, that you won’t be able to get through distributors, as well as some really cool reward teirs and add-ons.

About the Book

A time-traveler oversteps his boundaries in 1887. Things get out of hand quickly, and he is hanged, setting in motion a series of events from which there’s no turning back.

LeRoy McAllister is a reluctant outlaw running from a posse with nowhere to go except to the future.

In 2025, Amaryllis Sanchez is a thrill-seeking rock star on the fast track, who killed her dealing boyfriend to save herself. Now, she’s running from the law and his drug stealing flunkies, and nowhere is safe.

LeRoy falls hard for the rock star, thinking he can save her by taking her back with him. But when they arrive in 1887, things turn crazy fast, and soon they’re running from both the outlaws and the posse, in peril once more.

They can’t go back to the future, so it looks like they’re stuck in the past. But either when, they must face forces that would either lock them up or see them dead.

What Else is Happening

While I impatiently await my Kickstarter campaign to fund in August, I will be working on the compilation of Midnight Roost: Weird and Creepy Stories, the 2023 WordCrafter anthology that we are all anxiously waiting for. This anthology will be an October release, just in time for Halloween, my favorite holiday, and it will have contributions from 15 fantastic authors, including the author of the winning story in the 2023 WordCrafter short fiction contest, Isabelle Grey. Some of the contributors are long time WordCrafter authors who have been featured in past anthologies, but we have a few new names in there, too.

Contributing Authors

  • Isabelle Grey
  • Denise Aparo
  • M.J. Mallon
  • Sonia Pipkin
  • Robert Kostaczuk
  • Michaele Jordan
  • Joseph Carabis
  • DL Mullan
  • C.R. Johannson
  • Rebecca M. Senesse
  • Paul Kane
  • Roberta Eaton Cheadle
  • Patty Fletcher
  • Chris Barili
  • Christa Planko
  • Zack Ellafy
  • Keith J. Hoskins
  • Julie Jones
  • Mario Acevedo
  • Kaye Lynne Booth

WordCrafter News: Book Release, Blog Tour & Independence Day Sale

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The Winners of the WordCrafter Small Wonders Book Blog Tour Giveaway

We had a great tour last week for my debut poetry collection, Small Wonders. A full week of guest posts and poetry readings, DL Mullan interviewed me, and even a couple of reviews. Now it’s time to announce the winners of the WordCrafter Small Wonders Book Blog Tour giveaway.

And the winners are….

Drumroll Please

  • dg kaye
  • Beetly Pete
  • Brenda Marie Fluharty

New Release from WordCrafter Press

This is How We Grow: Reflections for Perspective Shaping, compiled and edited by Yvette Prior will be released on July 18, 2023.

About This Is How We Grow

Digital and Print copies of This Is How We Grow in digtal and print formats
Cover: Joshua tree and transpaarent hills in the background
Text: Essays & Poems For Perspective Taking, This Is How We Grow, Yvette Prior Contributing Editor, Mahesh Nair, Sherri Mathews, Ana  Linden, Jeffrey D. Simmons, Trent McDonald, Marsha Ingrao, Robbie Cheadle, Mike Martelli, Cade Prior, Lauren Scott, Mabel Kwong, Miriam Hurdle

The way we think and behave is impacted by mental filters. Understanding how people experience the world can lead to positive outcomes.

This is How We Grow brings you into the world of diverse authors to help expand outlook, cultivate empathy, and explore components of concious experience and mental filters. The way we see the world is impacted by many variables.

This book aims to increase the reader’s ability to take the perspective of others through essay, story, and poetry. Cognitive empathy is a crucial component of social problem solving and conflict avoidance.

The WordCrafter This is How We Grow Book Blog Tour

"This Is How We Grow" Tour Banner
Sun and bushes in the background with digital and print copies of the book in front and WordCrafter logo.
Text: WordCrafter Book Blog Tours Presents This Is How We Grow, Contributing Editor Yvette Prior, Contributing Authors Mahesh Nair, Sheri Mathews, Ana Linden, Jeffrey D. Simmons, Trent McDonald, Marsha Ingrao, Robbie Cheadle, Mike Martelli, Cade Prior, Lauren Scott, Mabel Kwong, Miriam Hurdle, Yvette Prior

The WordCrafter This is How We Grow Book Blog Tour will run July 17-21, 2023. We will have guest posts from contributors, audio excerpts, an author/editor interview, reviews and a great giveaway. It is a wonderful book and it’s going to be a fabulous tour, so I hope you will join us.


Blue background with white fieworks. Digital copies of Once Upon an Ever After ($2.99), Refracted Reflections ($2.99) and Visions ($3.99) in foreground.
Text: Celebrate Independence Day with WordCrafter Press, WordCrafter Anthologies on sale July 1 - 4

Once Upon an Ever After: https://books2read.com/u/mKdWGV

Refracted Reflections: https://books2read.com/u/3kPyxn

Visions: https://books2read.com/u/49Lk28