Book Review: Stowe Away

Box of Books Text: Book Reviews

About the Book


A train bound for Vermont leaves Manhattan at 11:35 AM. It takes approximately 9 hours to arrive. Sunset at the arrival destination occurs at 8:20 PM. How does Michael Andrews, a man on that train who is afflicted with a werewolf curse, resolve the fact that the math just doesn’t work out in his favor? Or in favor of the young girl who is trapped, and cornered?

Michael’s unequivocal desire to help usually thrusts him into the middle of tight spots. And though he has never been good at math, he is consistently good at compounding the peril in his day. On an urgent and last minute trip to help a dear friend in need, he finds someone else to help along the way.

Can Michael figure out how he’ll be able to protect his young, innocent traveling companion as she tries to make her own cross-country escape from the predator who relentlessly stalks her? And does this curious child hold her own answers that can, in turn, help Michael?

In a tale that has been described as Logan meets Planes, Trains and Automobiles, Mark Leslie has crafted a thrill-ride that explores Michael Andrews, Alpha Wolf and Beta Human as he embarks on a life-altering road trip that sends him hurtling towards his own psyche as it brings him miles away from his familiar home territory.


My Review

Anyone who follows my reviews here might know that I’m a big fan of Mark Leslie’s Canadian Werewolf series. Stowe Away is book 1.5 in the series. You can check out my reviews of the other books in this series at the links below.

I received a free audiobook copy of Stowe Away from responding to Mark Leslie’s newsletter. What a sweet deal. Stowe Away is a novella length story in the Canadian Werewolf series. It is narrated by Scott Overton, who narrates the other audiobooks in the series, as well. As per his usual, he does an excellent job with handling the voices of multiple characters, including the character of a thirteen-year-old girl for this one.

Obviously, I am a fan of this series. Stowe Away was no exception. Michael Andrews must get to Gail, to be the loving and supporting friend in her time of need. As luck would have it, the train is the mode of transportation that will get him there the quickest. But it’s the full moon and the train doesn’t arrive at the destination before it rises.

How to deal with this dilemma is on his mind when he comes across a young girl in trouble, stirring the superhero tendencies in him. She’s hiding from a man who is searching for her on the train, and if he finds her, he wants to silence her for good. Now Michael has to figure out how to help the girl and get off the train before the moon rises and he changes into his alter-ego wolf-self.

Stowe Away is a novella length Canadian Werewolf tale with a full story arc and all the hallmarks that make this series fun to read. I give it five quills.

Five circles with WordCrafter quill logo in each one.


Kaye Lynne Booth does honest book reviews on Writing to be Read in exchange for ARCs. Have a book you’d like reviewed? You can request a review on the Book Review tab above.

Mind Fields: Arkansas Pig Squeezin’ Contest

Background: A sunset Text: Mind Fields by Arthur Rosch, Ideas on the Eternal and the Fleeting

Addendum: Zoot’s Greatest Story

1968: On the road somewhere near Cairo, Illinois

The Mississippi river appears frequently to the left side of the road, as the Continental digests miles under its Goodyears. The river is like a giant python at the bottom of the bluff, twisting its silty way towards New Orleans. At Cairo it meets the Ohio River in a megalithic “Y”. The different colors of the different rivers make discreet etchings in the basic silver brown in the serpentine body of The Mississippi.

Zoot is snoring lightly, slumped in the front passenger seat with his elbow on the armrest, his head bumping gently against the rolled-up window. The car’s air conditioning is roaring like a distant storm, its wind coming from black plastic vents in the dashboard.

Aaron is in the back seat, trying to read a science fiction novel. The car’s motion is making him sick, so he puts the book down and watches the River as it appears and disappears amongst rows of trees.

Zoot jerks awake suddenly, yawns, rubs his eyes. He inspects Tyrone’s driving, looks at the speedometer. “You’re going a hundred miles an hour, man, and you in the slow lane. There’s a cop that cruises this road by name of Furley Robinson and he will love to jail my ass, so ease it on up.”

Tyrone looks innocent. “I don ‘t know how that happened, Zoot, sorry.” The speedometer drifts in fits and starts back down to seventy.

Zoot cranes his neck to see Aaron, slumped boredly in the back seat.

“I ever tell you the story of my true musical roots, of my Arkansas heritage?”

Aaron perks up and leans forward over the soft leather upholstery.

“Which one? The one about Preacher Scarby and the girls in the choir?”

“No, no, this one even earlier and more rooty than that one.”

“Let’s hear it, Zoot, we all ears,” Tyrone says, lighting up a cigarette.

“This is back when I was five, six years old,” says Zoot. “All the black farmers in Arkansas get together once a year for a musical festival, a Pig Squeezin’. They’d come from evahwhere, they’d come from Dawes County and Little Creek and Big Creek, from Meaty Bottom and Cradle Cave. They’d bring their best musical pigs and their women and children would barbecue up some ribs and haunches and they would contend for the position of Master Pig Squeezer. “

Aaron smiles. Tyrone wrinkles his brow, hoping to concentrate on the road but sneaking glances at Zoot, trying to discern just how far in his cheek is his mentor’s tongue.

“The greatest Pig Squeezer of all is a big fat gentleman by the name of Eufustus Rathbone. Y’ll understand, Pig Squeezin is a subtle art, it combines animal genetics, musical training, weight lifting and other forms of athletics and requires a fine hand at dealing with the hogs. You gotta take em when they’re tiny piglets and get em used to the feel of your armpit, your knees, you get piglets that like bein’ squeezed and handled evah which way. Takes a calm and pliable pig to squeal and bellow on cue. Why, Eufustus Rathbone can get a note out of both ends of a pig just by flexing his bicep, he is that good. He has a pig named Joby that can fart an E flat and squeal a perfect third above it.”

Aaron pats both his thighs hard, then pats them again, more softly.

Zoot pauses to light his three o’clock cheroot.

“You’re putting us on, right?” Tyrone swings his head sideways, then back to the road, then sideways,then back to the road.

“Lord’s Truth,” Zoot swears, solemnly. He winks at Aaron.

“This must have been nineteen ten, nineteen eleven,” Zoot continues. “It was my first Pig Squeezin and I thinks I is in heaven, they is so many people, so much food on big long tables, all kinds of little girls runnin’ round in checkered dresses with pretty hats.”

He exhales his stream of smoke languidly, cracks the window a bit to clear the air inside the car. Tyrone lights yet another in a constant string of Camels.

“You’re smoking too much,” he admonishes Tyrone. “You know that stuff wilts your dick, don’t you?”

Tyrone hastily stuffs out the butt in the ash tray. “Damn,” he says, “one fun thing fucks up another fun thing. Doesn’t seem fair.”

Aaron puts his chin into the crevice between the front seats, as if to prompt Zoot to continue his story.

“Okay, after two solid days of Squeezin’, there’s only three Squeezers left who can get up and withstand the sheer virtuosity of Eufustus Rathbone. This man has been Squeezin’ Master for six years runnin’. He has raised himself a breed of musical hogs that are light of weight but solid in volume and tone. He gets up on the stage that is built right there in the middle of Hanky Parkins’ fresh-mowed soybean field. He’s got Joby in one hand, he’s got two piglets named Squeak and Tweak on rope leashes, and he’s got an old sow named Hester draggin’ her udders on the floor boards. Hester is like his old standby, a reliable bass pig. He can just give her a jiggle and she will go ‘honk’ on the downbeat and the upbeat.”

Zoot’s left hand waves in the air and pictures seem to flow from his fingers, apparitions in the drifting smoke that lazily spiral up from the cheroot held loosely in his right hand.

“Eufustus starts out with The Star Spangled Banner, just to keep things simple, not to raise expectations or nothin’. The pigs squeeze in perfect counterpoint. Eufustus is sitting on the low three-legged Squeezin’ Stool, and he’s got Joby between his legs where he can control the pitch by bringing his thighs together, he’s got Hester under one foot and he’s got Squeak and Tweak in each armpit. After the national anthem he looks around as if to say, ‘can anybody top that? The crowd goes wild, everybody claps, looks like it’s all over. But when the noise dies down, a youngster by the name of Chester Wankus comes up the steps leading just two little piglets. There’s a gasp from the crowd, people saying ‘he can’t do shit with no two piglets, who he think he is?’ But Chester just scoots that Squeezin’ Stool over, sits down and starts squeezin’ these piglets and he gets them fartin’ and squealing and he plays “Battle Hymn of the Republic” real fast and he’s tapping with his feet too. It is amazing. Old Eufustus puffs up his chest like nothin’ happened, takes the stool back and plays the “Overture from The Marriage of Figaro”. The crowd falls silent, they figure that’s it, all over, nothin’ can top that. Chester leaves his piglets on the stage, jumps off the back, picks up a two hundred pound sow like it’s a twig and puts her on the stage, then jumps back up and gets her inside his legs. He takes a deep breath, everybody’s waitin’ for whatever’s gonna come next.”

Zoot leans forward and flicks the ash from his cheroot into the ashtray. He looks out the window. The sun is midway down the afternoon sky and its rays flash back from the river.

“Chester takes a minute to get himself braced, then he starts squeezin and out comes a perfect contrapuntal version of the opening of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. The sow is a trifle flat out her behind but Chester compensates skillfully by increasing the pressure from his feet and the rhythm is powerful enough that Eufustus starts turning a darker shade of brown than he already is. Joby just lays down on her side and Chester’s two piglets run over and start nursin’ from her. You’d think that is the end of the story but just then up comes a teenage boy from Smith County, and he’s got four piglets on leather leashes, he’s got a three hundred pound sow and he’s got a hairy wild boar in some kind of crazy harness. The judges take some time debating whether that is legal or not, but they allowed it, I mean a wild boar is a wild boar and they just have to give the kid points for difficulty.”

“What’s your name, kid?” the head judge asks.

“The kid replies, ‘My name is Felix Twitty and I’m from Smith County near the town of Goose’s Crack.”

“Don’t you think that’s a little ostentatious, all them pigs?”

The crowd grumbles its agreement, I mean, if the kid can ‘t come through with something tremendous he’d be seen as a total poseur, a Nouveau Squeezer with a big ego. He just takes the stool nice and calm, positions that boar under his left arm, arranges them other pigs in various ways with one of ‘em under his chin and he starts to play. At first nobody recognizes the music. It sounds good, it sounds mighty good, and finally the crowd realizes that the kid is playing Wagner’s “Finale from Das Rheingold” and he is making the boar sing the part of Thor and making the piglets do the parts of the Rhinemaidens. It is spectacular! Everybody almost passes out from amazement and Felix Twitty sure as hell won the Master Pig Squeazer prize for that year and for the next five years. He’s remembered as one of the greatest squeezers in history, and might have broken Tolly Scoobus’ eight year run, ‘cept he went off to France in World War One and got shot by a farmer who thought he was stealin’ pigs. He was just playin’ scales in the barn! All he wanted was a little practice. Mighty shame, that was. Mighty shame.”

The occupants of the car drive in silence for a while.

“You’re not pullin’ my leg, are you?” Tyrone asks sincerely.

“Lord’s Truth,” Zoot swears.


About the Author

Head Shot: Author Arthur Rosch

Arthur Rosch is a novelist, musician, photographer and poet. His works are funny, memorable and often compelling. One reviewer said “He’s wicked and feisty, but when he gets you by the guts, he never lets go.” Listeners to his music have compared him to Frank Zappa, Tom Waits, Randy Newman or Mose Allison. These comparisons are flattering but deceptive. Rosch is a stylist, a complete original. His material ranges from sly wit to gripping political commentary.

Arthur was born in the heart of Illinois and grew up in the western suburbs of St. Louis. In his teens he discovered his creative potential while hoping to please a girl. Though she left the scene, Arthur’s creativity stayed behind. In his early twenties he moved to San Francisco and took part in the thriving arts scene. His first literary sale was to Playboy Magazine. The piece went on to receive Playboy’s “Best Story of the Year” award. Arthur also has writing credits in Exquisite CorpseShutterbugeDigital, and Cat Fancy Magazine. He has written five novels, a memoir and a large collection of poetry. His autobiographical novel, Confessions Of An Honest Man won the Honorable Mention award from Writer’s Digest in 2016.

More of his work can be found at

Photos at


Want to be sure not to miss any of Arthur’s “Mind Fields” segments? Subscribe to Writing to be Read for e-mail notifications whenever new content is posted or follow WtbR on WordPress. If you find it interesting or just entertaining, please share.

Book Review: “Bats in the Belfry” & “Heart of Clay”

A box full of books Text: Book Reviews

About Bats in the Belfry

Book Cover: Dan Shamble Zombie PI sitting on a ledge next to a gargoyle with wings with a large bell and a  couple of bats in the background, and one large bat in foreground.
Text: New York Times BestSelling Author Kevin J. Anderson, Bats In The Belfry, The cases of Dan Shamble, PI

Ace Ventura meets the Addams Family!

A shambling horde of new cases hits Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I. in the Unnatural Quarter. Dan and his gang—including his ghost girlfriend, feisty lawyer partner, cop best friend, and little vampire half-daughter Alvina—are out to seek justice, solve mysteries, and keep their heads on straight … or at least attached.Alvina’s singing lessons for the Banshee Tabernacle Choir end on a sour note when the troll choir director plunges to her death from a high belfry, and the only witness is a deaf-as-a-post gargoyle who sits too close to the loud bells.A frustrated imp, woefully unsuccessful in betting on the nightmare races, is dead certain that his bookie BatGN (GN for “gender neutral” to avoid copyright issues) is cheating him.Francine, the salty bartender at the Goblin Tavern, is worried when One Fang the vampire—her on-again, off-again suitor—disappears without a trace.A shady vendor discovers a market for living shrunken heads that are conversational as well as decorative, but the demand by far exceeds the supply.A heartless therapist has ulterior motives when she counsels zombies, distracting them from their woes to concentrate not just on brains, but on self-improvement as well.There is much at stake in the Unnatural Quarter, and it’s up to Dan Shamble to keep the streets dark and safe for monsters and humans alike. After all, the cases don’t solve themselves!This zombie detective puts the P.I. back in R.I.P.

My Review of Bats in the Belfry

I received a digital copy of Bats in the Belfry through author Kevin J. Anderson’s Bats in the Belfry Kickstarter campaign back in March. I love Anderson’s Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I. series, so I jumped right in and backed this Kickstarter campaign. I knew right off that I wanted to read this book. In fact, I kept checking back to see if it was finished and my early digital copy ready, even though I had received other rewards already and had plenty to read.

I was not disappointed. Bats in the Belfry was one of Dan Shamble’s most intriguing cases yet. Dan Shamble is on the scene when the troll choir director plummets to her unnatural death from the church bell tower, and the only witness is a deaf gargoyle in the belfry, who claims to not have seen a thing. He’s also looking into a crooked betting claim at the Nightmare Races.

For tickle in your tummy and a giggle in your heart, Dan Shamble is always sure to please. He may have Bats in the Belfry, but he gets five quills from me.

Five circles with the WordCrater WC and quill logo in each.

About Heart of Clay

A Bell in a bel Tower and a couple of bats
Text: Kevin J. Anderson, Heart of Clay, A Dan Shamble Zombie PI Adventure

Heart of Clay was a short story in the Dan Shamble P.I. series which was offered soley as a Kickstarter reward, so it isn’t available through distributors. I’m including my review here to demonstrate the value I got from backing the Bats in the Belfry Kickstarter campaign at the $5 tier level.

My Review of Heart of Clay

Heart of Clay is a short story by Kevin J. Anderson, from his Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I. series, which I received as a stretch goal reward in digital format. In the past, I have reviewed many books and stories from this series, because I truly enjoy the characters in the absurd world Anderson has created, post Big Uneasy. Perhaps because this is a short story, rather than a novel, I didn’t feel that it had the same depth as the other stories in the series. But there was plenty of the undead and unnatural humor which the Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I. books are known for.

Someone is killing golems, the legendary Excaliber is missing, and Dan Shamble vows to find it. Dragons, ogres, werewolves, ghouls, vampires, mummies, trolls, and more. A walk through the unnatural quarter offers more than a few chuckles as Dan Shamble looks for clues to solve the case.

Short, but funny. Heart of Clay fun quick read with some of my favorite unnatural characters. I give it four quills.

Four circles with the WordCrafter quill logo in each one.


Kaye Lynne Booth does honest book reviews on Writing to be Read in exchange for ARCs. Have a book you’d like reviewed? You can request a review here.

WordCrafter News: Special Christmas Edition – Looking Forward to 2024 & Early Call For Submissions

Newsprint background. WordCrafter quill logo Text: WordCrafter News

Looking Forward to 2024

WordCrafter Press

2024 promises to be exciting at WordCrafter Press and I am thrilled to tell you about it.

In January, book 2 of the Women in the West series, Sarah launches on Kickstarter and its going to be a good one. Rewards will include not only early digital and signed print copies of Sarah, but Special Edition Illustrated copies of both Sarah and Delilah, never before offered.

In March, Sarah will be released through distributors, and will be available at your favorite online retailers. I’ll be launching with a book blog tour and giveaway, so be sure and watch for that.

In April, Poetry Treasures 4: Natural World will be released through distributors. (The cover pictured above is just a fill in.) Featuring poetry written by guests of the 2023 “Treasuring Poetry” blog series with Robbie Cheadle. There will be a book blog tour for this book, with audio/video readings by the poets.

In May, my nonfiction writing reference book, D.I.Y. Author will be released through distributors, and will be available at your favorite online retailers. If you’re an author on a shoestring budget determined to find ways to write and sell books, this book is for you. Naturally, a book blog tour and giveaway will accompany this release.

In July, we have a Kickstarter campaign planned for my children’s book series. I’ll be releasing the first three books in the My Backyard Friends series, Heather Hummingbird Makes a New Friend, Timothy Turtle Discovers Jellybeans, and Charlie Chickadee Finds a New Home. After a first illustrator experience which turned sour, these books have been awaiting an illustrator for eight years. But I finally found one, whose illustrations I am proud to have featured in my books, Robbie Cheadle. If you know her, you might be familiar with the wonderful illustrations she’s begun to do recently, and you’ll understand why I am so thrilled to have her as an illustrator. These stories feature animal and bird characters in tales that each teach a social lesson. With Robbie’s beautiful illustrations, they are not to be missed.

In August, the first three books in the My Backyard Friends series will be released through distributors, and will be available at all your favorite distributors. I’ll be launching with a book blog tour and giveaway.

In September, a by invitation only themed anthology, Tales From The Hanging Tree, will be released through distributors and launched with a book blog tour and giveaway, with audio/video readings by the authors.

In October, the 2024 WordCrafter anthology will be released. Each year I release the annual anthology in October, which is just a scary month. Halloween is my favorite holiday, and I love scary stories, and other scary stuff, so releasing in October is condusive to dark fiction. In 2023, we had a great line-up of dark and scary stories in Midnight Roost, so we’re going with a dark fiction theme again this year. It will include both by invitation submissions and contest submissions that are worthy, and feature the winning story from the contest. (See Call for Submissions below.)

WordCrafter Quality Writing & Author Services

I’m happy to announce that in 2024, WordCrafter will be adding Book Trailers to our list of quality author services. We will have three different trailer designers available to choose from: myself, Robbie Cheadle and DL Mullan, and they will be offered at affordable prices.

Other services offered include editing and publishing services and WordCrafter Book Blog Tours. I still have time slots available for editing services into 2024. Learn more at Write it Right Quality Editing Services.

Writing to be Read

Author Jeff Bowles 

Text: Pop with Jeff Bowles

On Writing to be Read, 2024 promises more of the new monthly blog series, “POP with Jeff Bowles”, which has been well recepted. A blog series about all things POP, the first Wednesday of every month.

We also have a new addition to the WtbR team. Starting in January, DL Mullan will be bringing us another new blog series the first Friday of each month, “Undawntech: Technology and the Creative Arts”. Be sure to check it out and give Dawn a big welcome.

Call for Submissions – 2024 WordCrafter Anthology

It’s time for the Call for Submissions for the 2024 WordCrafter Anthology, which we’re calling “Dark Fiction” for now. Dark fiction is the theme: horror, paranormal, dark fantasy, science fiction, speculative fiction. Any genre as long as it is dark or scary will do. I’m leaving it wide in the hopes of bringing in a diverse selection of stories that will keep readers awake at night.

Submission Guidelines

Genres: Paranormal, Dark Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction, Dark Humor, Speculative Fiction any combination there of.

Length: up to 5000 words

Submission Deadline: April 30, 2023

Submissions open January 1 and close on April 30. Watch for the January 1 post for full submission guidelines and contest entry.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All!


Join Kaye Lynne Booth & WordCrafter Press Readers’ Group for WordCrafter Press book & event news, including the awesome releases of author Kaye Lynne Booth. Get a free digital copy of her short story collection, Last Call and Other Short Fiction, as a sampling of her works just for joining

WordCrafter News: Giveaway Winners, A Halloween Book Event, NaNoWriMo and a New Blog Series

Newspring background with WordCrafter logo and text: WordCrafter News

Wrapping up the WordCrafter Midnight Roost Book Blog Tour

We had a great tour for Midnight Roost and many of you visited one or more tour stops and commented, for a chance to win a free digital copy of Midnight Roost. We were giving away three copies for this tour, and all that’s left to do now is to give you the winners. So, without further ado…

(Drumroll please.)

And the winners are…

  • BeetleyPete
  • Vera Day
  • Lauren Scott

If your name appears on the above list, please contact me at to claim your free digital copy of Midnight Roost: Weird and Creepy Stories.

In Case You Missed the Tour

Midnight Roost is a truly creepy anthology from 20 talented authors that you won’t want to miss. But, if you missed the tour, you can still get a copy here:

About Midnight Roost

Book Cover Dark and scary graveyard background Text: Midnight Roost, Weird and Creepy Stories, A WordCrafterr Anthology, Edited by Kaye Lynne Booth

20 authors bring your nightmares to life in 23 stories of ghosts, paranormal phenomenon, and the horror from the dark crevasses of their minds. Stories of stalkers, both human and supernatural, possession and occult rituals, alien visitations of the strange kind, and ghostly tales that will give you goosebumps. These are the tales that will make you fear the dark. Read them at the Midnight Roost… if you dare.

Halloween Book Event

Tomorrow is Halloween. My favorite holiday. To celebrate, WordCrafter is cohosting the author takeover during Sonoran Dawn’s Black Cauldron All Hallow’s Eve Book Event all Halloween day. Join us for promos, games, and giveaways, Halloween music and a whole lot more. Sign up and join in at the link below.

Author takeover spots are available. If interested in promoting your books, artwork, or other creative projects, contact me at and put Author Takeover in the subject line.

November NaNoWriMo

I’m so excited about participating in National Novel Writing Month this year because I’m itching to delve into Sarah. I’m still not prolific enough to think I’ll write the whole novel in a month, but I know from last year, with The Rock Star & The Outlaw, that participating in NaNoWriMo can offer one heck of a start.

For those who don’t know, Sarah is book 2 in the Women in the West Adventure series. Last January I ran a Kickstarter campaign for book 1, Delilah. I plan to run another Kickstarter campaign for Sarah this coming January, so it is time to write the book. In preparation, I’ve done my research and have a working outline ready. I’ve already had a lot of fun fleshing out the two supporting characters that backers got to name from Delilah’s campaign, Lillian Alura Bennett, and Owoz Crebo. One historical female character which will make an appearance in Sarah, which is a trademark of the series, is Kate Elder, a.k.a. Big Nose Kate, Doc Holiday’s infamous companion. So, I have everything I need at the starting gate, and I’m just waiting for the starting gate to open on November 1st.

New Blog Series Starting in November

I’m so pleased to be able to make this particular announcement. The first Wednesday in November, Jeff Bowles will be returning to the blog with a new blog series about pop culture, “Pop with Jeff Bowles”. He’ll be talking about the many areas of pop culture: comics and comic hero movies, video games, television, music, and more. Drop by Writing to be Read the first Wednesday of each month and check it out.

Note: Also in November and December, you may notice some extra reviews coming out on Saturdays as I try and get in all of my 2023 reads, so I can start fresh in 2024. For requested reviews, I like to post in a timely manner, and I don’t want to wait into the new year to post, as I’ve probably already passed their release date due to my back log. So, if you have requested a review and sent me an ARC copy this year, be watching, because they all should be coming up.


Want exclusive content? Join Kaye Lynne Booth & WordCrafter Press Readers’ Group for WordCrafter Press book & event news, including the awesome releases of author Kaye Lynne Booth. She won’t flood your inbox, she NEVER sells her list, and you might get a freebie occasionally. Get a free digital copy of her short story collection, Last Call and Other Short Fiction, just for joining.

Book Review: Snowman Shivers & Prospero’s Ghost

A box full of books Text: Book Reviews

About Snowman Shivers

Book Cover: House with an evil Snowman in the yard with legs stuffed in its mouth.
Text: Snowman Shivers, Two Short Dark Tales About Snowmen, Mark Leslie

You might never build another snowman again!

If you ever cast an uncomfortable glance over your shoulder when passing the silent snowy sentinels that stand looking at you as you pass on the icy sidewalk, if you’ve ever questioned what might really happen if the old silk hat placed on Frosty the Snowman’s head was truly magic, then these two dark humor snowman tales by Mark Leslie are for you.

Amazon Purchase Link:

My Review

Did you ever wonder what really happens when snowmen really come to life. Snowman Shivers, by Mark Leslie offers two darkly humorous that may send shivers up your spine, or at least evoke a few chuckles, and I guaruntee you will never think about snowmen in the same way.

About Prospero’s Ghost

Book Cover: Castle-like building
Text: Prospero's Ghost, Kimberly Footit & Mark Leslie

Decades after his death, renowned Shakespearean scholar Dr. Marshall Emerson returns from the grave to seek vengeance on those who dared disturb his fitful sleep.

Emerson, whose specialty was the bard’s The Tempest and was nicknamed “Professor Prospero” could never be spotted walking the grounds of McMaster University without the precious 1861 folio edition of Shakespeare’s works clutched in his hands.

When McMaster University library and bookstore staff begin producing replica versions of his original text on a newly acquired Espresso Book Machine, Emerson’s ghost returns, intent to put a stop to this “desecration” of his beloved text.

Amazon Purchase Link:

My Review

I said it before, and I will say it again. I’m just a sucker for a good ghost story. Prospero’s Ghost, by Kimberly Footit & Mark Leslie is delightful short story of haunting porportions. It seems a love of literature A tale of a haunted campus library that can be read in one sitting, this story is for ghost lovers everywhere.

Get Them Free

You can find both of these books in the “FREE Reads” on Mark Leslie’s Books2Read author page here: (You can find them both on Amazon, too, but Prospero’s Ghost is .99 cents, instead of free.)


Kaye Lynne Booth does honest book reviews on Writing to be Read in exchange for ARCs. Have a book you’d like reviewed? You can request a review here.

Final Stop on the Wordcrafter “Midnight Roost” Book Blog Tour

Tour Banner
Spooky graveyard background with one-eyed bird roosting in a tree.
Foreground: Print copy of Midnight Roost and WordCrafter logo
Text: Wordcrafter Book Blog Tours Presents Midnight Roost Weird and Creepy Stories, Contributing Authors, Zack Ellafy,Chris Barili, Joseph Carrabis, DL Mullan, Christa Planko, Paul Kane, Sonia Pipkin, C.R. Johansson. Roberta Eaton Cheadle, Patty Fletcher, Keith J. Hoskins, Denise Aparo, Isabel Grey, Rebecca M. Senese, Mario Acevedo,Kaye Lynne Booth, Michaele Jordan, Robert Kostanczuk, M J Mallon
WordCrafter Midnight Roost Book Blog Tour

It’s the final stop on the WordCrafter Midnight Roost Book Blog Tour and today we’re going to wrap things up with a reading by contributing author Denise Aparo from her haunting story, “The Pines”,and some excerpts from stories from authors who weren’t able to participate in the tour. So, kick back and enjoy the reading and peruse the excerpts, meet the authors and join in the discussion by leaving a comment and earn a chance at a free digital copy of Midnight Roost.

Meet Author Denise Aparo

Denise Aparo is a new WordCrafter Press author, so I’m just getting to know a little ab out her, too. Her story, “The Pines” wasn’t the winning story in the short fiction contest, but I still felt that its dark parnormal feel would fit into the anthology. Now that the book is compiled and I can see the finished product, I think I made the right decision. It is a perfect addition to the Midnight Roost collection. Listen to the reading below and see if you don’t agree.

Reading from “The Pines”

Reading from “The Pines” by Denise Aparo

About Denise Aparo

Denise Aparo is a New England native, born and raised in the clockmaking city of Bristol, Connecticut. She lives with her husband, Joe, and they have five grandchildren. She is also a freelance writer who spends her time working on her novel and writing short stories. She also spends her time gardening, crafting, and crocheting.

Denise likes to write Paranormal Fiction, genre of Historical Fantasy. She recently completed her first novel, Crossbows. She has a Masters of Arts in English and a Fine Arts/Creative Writing with concentration in Fiction from Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) and a member of Sigma Tau Delta, International English Honor Society, and The National Society of Leadership and Success, Sigma Alpha Pi, with SNHU.

She is a member of the Connecticut Authors and Publishers Association (CAPA) and the author of a new WordPress writing blog, The Write Voice, The Write Voice | The write voice at the write time, a blog that boasts, “Like multiple genres, there are many cultures – each with an individual voice.”   Denise is a new addition to the WordCrafter Press authors.


Excerpt from “Melina” by Kaye Lynne Booth

Dark and Scary Graveyard in the background. One eyed owl and print copy of Midnight Roost are perched in branches of old, scraggly trees.
Text: From WordCrafter Press, "Melina" by Kaye Lynne Booth - "Not gonna do it," Ralph says, crossing his arms and planting his feet. "No way, no how. That's Augie's corpse floating in the pool. Uh-uh."
Melina had thought Ralph might come to her aid, yet now it seems he would be the one to block her escape. But she can't let that happen. Not when she is so close. Her skin is searing in a fiery rage. She must get out of this pool now.
She raises her head and opens her mouth, letting her siren song pour out. Ralph's eyes glaze over, as Augie's had, and he turns and starres directly at her. A blank stare crosses Eddie's face, and he turns toward her , as well. Did not expect that.

Excerpt from “She Shed Galleria” by C.R. Johansson

Dark and Scary Graveyard in the background. One eyed owl and print copy of Midnight Roost are perched in branches of old, scraggly trees.
Text: From WordCrafter Press, "She Shed Galleria" by C.R. Johannson - "You're an artist." He sipped some of the wine, surprised by its fruity flavor. His wine experience went only as far as a box of bitterness from the corner grocery store.
"It's a Zweigelt," she said as if reading his mind.
He looked at her. Something in her gaze. He fidgeted in his seat. A sudden twinge of panic rushed through him, driven by a primitive intuition deep within him, driven by a primative intuition deep within him, and like a dog who squeezes in between the washing machine and the wall only to find itself trapped. He suddenly wished he hadn't got in the car.

Excerpt from “House on the Plains” by Zack Ellafy

Dark and Scary Graveyard in the background. One eyed owl and print copy of Midnight Roost are perched in branches of old, scraggly trees.
Text: From WordCrafter Press, "House on th Plains" by Zack Ellafy - “I just needed somewhere new and quiet, away from drama. I saw this was a place out of the way and the houses were cheap. Oh, sorry - I hope I didn’t offend you.”
“Oh, no ma’am. We like it that way. You married? Husband didn’t come in with you?”
“No. No husband. Recently divorced, but nope,” Madison said. 
“Really? I don’t want to alarm you, ma’am, but why is there someone sitting in your car?” Jeff asked.
“What?” Madison said as her head turned towards the large windows at the front of the store. There wasn’t a perfect line of sight to her car, so she slowly inched back for a better view. A chill ran up Madison’s spine - she could make out someone sitting in the backseat. His back was turned, but she thought she could make out some sort of hat on his head. It can’t be him, she thought. I covered all my tracks. No one except my family knows I’m even here.

Excerpt from “Take Two” by Rebecca M. Senese

Dark and Scary Graveyard in the background. One eyed owl and print copy of Midnight Roost are perched in branches of old, scraggly trees.
Text: From WordCrafter Press, "Take Two" by Rebecca M. Senes - Sondra handed her mother a mirror.
“What do you think?”
Her mother caught her breath, mouth opening a little. “Oh my,” she breathed. “I never… I had no idea.”
Sondra grinned. “Want to learn how to do it?” 
Her mother glanced up, almost sheepishly. “Could I?”
“You sure could,” Sondra said. She turned to the camera. “What do you think of Florence’s new look? Let me know in the comments! And join us in future videos where I teach Florence, and you, how to achieve this look. It’s easier than you think. Until next time!” 
She waved and turned off the camera.

Excerpt from “A Visitor Comes to the Window” by Robert Kostanczuk

Dark and Scary Graveyard in the background. One eyed owl and print copy of Midnight Roost are perched in branches of old, scraggly trees.
Text: From WordCrafter Press, "A Visitant Comes to the Window" by Robert Kostanczuk - This time, the winged thing was in the center windowpane, middle row. As it stalked about his window, the glass seemed to move with slight waves—undulate—as the mysterious thing methodically crawled from pane to pane.
It was an odd, mesmerizing visual. He felt a pane that was not occupied by the bug, but there was nothing abnormal; the surface was smooth. Then, the vision of the interloper on an adjacent pane caught his eye. The surface seemed to ripple ever so slightly.

That wraps up today’s stop, and the whole tour. I hope you enjoyed meeting Denise and the excerpts from the other stories. Be sure to visit any stops you missed through the links in the schedule below for more chances to win a free digital copy of Midnight Roost. I will announce the winners in next Monday’s “WordCrafter News” post, here on “Writing to be Read”


A chance to win a free digital copy of Midnight Roost at every stop. Just leave a comment to show your support for the tour, the anthology, and all of the fantastic authors.

Tour Schedule

Monday – October 16 – Opening Day –Isabele Grey (Interview & Reading) & Joseph Carrabis (Reading) – Writing to be Read

Tuesday – October 17 – M J Mallon (Reading) & Christa Planko (Interview & Guest Post)– Undawnted

Wednesday – October 18 – Chris Barili (Guest Post) & Paul Kane (Guest Post) – Patty’s Worlds

Thursday – October 19 – Julie Jones (Reading) & Keith Hoskins (Guest Post) – Robbie’s Inspiration

Friday – October 20 – Michaele Jordan (Reading) & Mario Acevedo (Guest Post) – Writing to be Read

Saturday – October 21 – Patty Fletcher (Guest Post) & DL Mullen (Guest Post & Video) – Roberta Writes

Sunday – October 22 – Sonia Pipkin (Guest Post) & Roberta Eaton Cheadle (Reading) – Kyrosmagica Publishing

Monday – October 23 – Closing Post –Denise Aparo (Reading) & excerpts from other stories – Writing to be Read

About Midnight Roost: Weird and Creepy Stories

20 authors bring your nightmares to life in 23 stories of ghosts, paranormal phenomenon, and the horror from the dark crevasses of their minds. Stories of stalkers, both human and supernatural, possession and occult rituals, alien visitations of the strange kind, and ghostly tales that will give you goosebumps. These are the tales that will make you fear the dark. Read them at the Midnight Roost… if you dare.

Purchase Link:


Book your WordCrafter Book Blog Tour today!

Meet the Authors of “Midnight Roost”: Today, Joseph Carrabis

Book Cover Dark and scary graveyard background Text: Midnight Roost, Weird and Creepy Stories, A WordCrafterr Anthology, Edited by Kaye Lynne Booth

Purchase Link:

Day 7 of the WordCrafter “Midnight Roost” Book Blog Tour

Tour Banner Spooky graveyard background with one-eyed bird roosting in a tree. Foreground: Print copy of Midnight Roost and WordCrafter logo Text: Wordcrafter Book Blog Tours Presents Midnight Roost Weird and Creepy Stories, Contributing Authors, Zack Ellafy,Chris Barili, Joseph Carrabis, DL Mullan, Christa Planko, Paul Kane, Sonia Pipkin, C.R. Johansson. Roberta Eaton Cheadle, Patty Fletcher, Keith J. Hoskins, Denise Aparo, Isabel Grey, Rebecca M. Senese, Mario Acevedo,Kaye Lynne Booth, Michaele Jordan, Robert Kostanczuk, M J Mallon

Day 7 of the WordCrafter Midnight Roost Book Blog Tour brings us to Marje Mallon’s Kyrosmagica blog with a guest post from Sonia Pipkin about her dark fairy tale, “Once Upon a Time”, and a reading from Roberta Eaton Cheadle from her story, “The Behemoth”. Click on the link to join us and comment to enter the giveaway for a free digital copy of Midnight Roost: Weird and Creepy Stories.

Meet the Authors of “Midnight Roost”: Today, Joseph Carrabis

Book Cover Dark and scary graveyard background Text: Midnight Roost, Weird and Creepy Stories, A WordCrafterr Anthology, Edited by Kaye Lynne Booth

Purchase Link:

My ‘The Beach’ in WordCrafter Press’ Midnight Roost Anthology