Book Review: In the Tree’s Shadow: A Collection of Stories That Exist in Your Dreams…and Nightmares

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About the Book

A collection of short stories where dreams and nightmares coexist.
Nestled inside these pages, you’ll meet a couple in their golden years who take a trip with an unexpected detour, a boy desperate to give his brother the Christmas gift he asked for, a girl with a small glass dragon who is at the mercy of her cruel uncles, and a young mother who has a recurring dream about murder. You’ll be introduced to worlds where people get second chances and monsters might be allowed their desires, while angels and dragons try to help. Happy endings occur, but perspective can blur the line between good and evil in these twenty-seven tales. Since the stories vary between 99 and 12,000 words, whether you have only five minutes or an entire evening to settle into reading, there is something that will suit your time and taste.

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My Review

In The Tree’s Shadow: A Collection of Stories that Exist in Your Dreams, by D.L. Finn, is filled with stories with magical qualities, stories that we only dream about…, and some, that we hope we never dream about. Some of the tales in this collection will leave readers feeling good all over and full of hope, but others will give you the chills. Filled with tales of angels and aliens, ghosts and supernatural beings, this multi-genre story collection has a little something for everyone.

I don’t like to give spoilers and with short stories, it can be hard to tell you a little about the story without doing so. In the Tree’s Shadow has several 99 word stories, which would be sure giveaway, should I try to tell you about them. So I will give you a brief decription for those I thought to be the best of the bunch.

Among those which stand out for me are:

  • “End of the Road”, which is ironically the paranormal tale of a new beginning. This story leaves reader’s with a good feeling.
  • “A Man on the Peer”, which is a spooky ghostly tale with a warning – Never speak to the man on the peer.
  • “The Dolphin”, which is a hopeful paranormal tale of a lovely ever after.
  • “Lyrical Dragon”, a fantasy tale offering an abused girl escape through a magical talisman.
  • “The Bench” is one of the stories which animal lovers will enjoy as the bench becomes a symbol of love. This story is one the reader will walk away with an overall good feeling.
  • “The Boy”, another tragic ghostly tale offering escape from a bad situation. This story may give you shivers and leave you a little sad.
  • “Deadline” is a paranormal tale about finding answers in dreams. The reason this story stood out for me was the killer first line: “The night’s hand slowly gripped the forest.” How can anyone read that line and not be compelled to read more?
  • “The Bike” is an angelic second chance story which proves sometimes intent weighs heavier than actions.
  • “Alone” is a paranormal tale with a surprising twist that will leave you with a smile.
  • “The Bonsai” is another karmic paranormal tale that will appeal to the animal lover in all. This story is another that will leave readers smiling.

I’m a sucker for paranormal and fantasy, and looking over my list, I discovered that none of the stories with sci-fi aliens made it up there. It’s a matter of personal preference. However, there was one alien story of novelette length, “Stranded”, which was very well thought out, that is worth mention here, as well.

I realize that the list above is not as revealing as some may like, but I feel that with short fiction, it’s best to let you read it for yourself and decide. I found the stories in In the Tree’s Shadow to be quite entertaining whether they were tales from your dreams, or or ones found in nightmares. I give it four quills.


Kaye Lynne Booth does honest book reviews on Writing to be Read in exchange for ARCs. Have a book you’d like reviewed? You can request a review here.

23 Comments on “Book Review: In the Tree’s Shadow: A Collection of Stories That Exist in Your Dreams…and Nightmares”

  1. D.L. Finn, Author says:

    Thank you, Kaye 🙂 I’m thrilled to see your review and so happy you enjoyed it!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I am currently reading this one, and really enjoying it.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. A fab review for an entertaining read! Congratulations to Denise. Thanks for sharing, Kaye. Have a great week 💕🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. A wonderful review for an excellent read. I thoroughly enjoyed the book. Congrats to Denise!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Gwen M. Plano says:

    Wonderful review! Thank you for sharing it, Kaye. Congrats to Diane. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  6. A lovely review Kaye Lynne and I enjoyed this collection very much too.. congratulations Denise.. xx

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Beem Weeks says:

    What a fantastic review. Congratulations to Denise. A wonderful review, Kaye.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Jan Sikes says:

    What a wonderful review! I love the detail you put into it. Such a great collection of stories. Congratulations to Denise!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. D.L. Finn, Author says:

    Thank you, Jan xo

    Liked by 1 person

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