WordCrafter News: March Celebrations

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Smashwords 2024 Read an Ebook Week

March 3-9, 2024, all WordCrafter Press ebooks will be on sale at a 50% discount in celebration of the Smashwords 2024 Read an Ebook Week. That will make some of my backlistThe discount will apply only to books purchased on Smashwords during this week, dedicated to encourage the reading and thus, purchasing of ebooks!

There are two ways that you can participate in Read an Ebook Week: by purchasing a discounted ebook on Smashwords and by sharing this post with all of your book channels and groups of hungry readers.

A caracature of a girl reading a book on a digital device.
Text: Read AN Ebook Week, my books are 50% off, smashwords.com/shelves/promos

Hello, Readers!

We are fast approaching Read an Ebook Week, a week that encourages readers to pick up the digital device of their choice and download a new book to read.

I’m excited to announce that all WordCrafter Press digital titles will be available at a 50% discount, as part of a promotion on Smashwords to celebrate 2024 Read an Ebook Week! This is a chance to get my book, along with books from many other great authors, at a discount so you can get right to reading.

You will find the promo here starting on March 3, so save the link:

If you wouldn’t mind taking part in promoting this celebration of Ebooks and reading, please feel free to share this promo with your friends and family. Share on social media channels wherever there are readers who would love a chance to find their next favorite book and, as the name suggests, read an ebook!

Thank you for your help and support!

Happy reading!

60th Birthday

That’s right. March 3 is my birthday, and I’ll be 60 years old. I’m thinking the Smashwords Read an Ebook Week celebration can just double as my birthday celebration, so if you want to give me a birthday gift, buy an ebook on Smashwords. For the 50% discount, you can find my books in the Smashwords store on my profile page: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/Kaye_LynneBooth

I’ve always said “You’re as young as you feel”, but lately, I’ve been feeling pretty old. Sure I do things slower and a little more painfully than I used to, but that’s not what I mean. I’m talking about that feeling like time is running out; the biological clock is ticking down.

On the other hand, this milestone could be opening a new chapter in my life, a chance to do something new, and perhaps unexpected. My day job of nine years ended last March, and I’ve been seeking other employment ever since. The job search has taken me down unexpected paths and I’m still not sure what I will end up doing. My writing has also been taking some unexpected paths lately. I can’t help but be curious, and perhaps a little anxious to learn what comes next.

AI Audiobooks by Kaye Lynne Booth

Three Book Covers: Delilah, Hidden Secrets and The Rock Star & The Outlaw

Books by Kaye Lynne Booth: Delilah, Hidden Secrets, and The Rock Star & The Outlaw are now available in AI audiobook on Google Play. And during the month of March, you can get each one for only 2.99. Buying one to check it out would also be a great birthday present, so grab your copy on Google Play March 1 – 31, 2024.


Book Cover: A manual typewriter with a page of typed words visible in foreground. A shelf of books in the background. Text on page: Write a Book, Format the Story, Publish the Manuscript, Create an Outline, Create a Marketing Plan, Generate Reviews, Hide Under the Covers Text: The D.I.Y. Author, Kaye Lynne Booth

With my books, I have a better idea of what’s to come, and I’m excited, in March, to be working on my writer’s resource book, The D.I.Y. Author, scheduled to come out in June. In the conception and writing of this book, I take on a new persona. This book isn’t how I do what I do. The D.I.Y. Author is who I am. With this book, I am taking that persona public and you can now find me on X (formerly Twitter) @DIY_Author. Look me up. Say “Happy Birthday”, or just say “Hi”. I always enjoy hearing from friends and fans, as well as potential readers.


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