Book Review: Snowman Shivers & Prospero’s Ghost

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About Snowman Shivers

Book Cover: House with an evil Snowman in the yard with legs stuffed in its mouth.
Text: Snowman Shivers, Two Short Dark Tales About Snowmen, Mark Leslie

You might never build another snowman again!

If you ever cast an uncomfortable glance over your shoulder when passing the silent snowy sentinels that stand looking at you as you pass on the icy sidewalk, if you’ve ever questioned what might really happen if the old silk hat placed on Frosty the Snowman’s head was truly magic, then these two dark humor snowman tales by Mark Leslie are for you.

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My Review

Did you ever wonder what really happens when snowmen really come to life. Snowman Shivers, by Mark Leslie offers two darkly humorous that may send shivers up your spine, or at least evoke a few chuckles, and I guaruntee you will never think about snowmen in the same way.

About Prospero’s Ghost

Book Cover: Castle-like building
Text: Prospero's Ghost, Kimberly Footit & Mark Leslie

Decades after his death, renowned Shakespearean scholar Dr. Marshall Emerson returns from the grave to seek vengeance on those who dared disturb his fitful sleep.

Emerson, whose specialty was the bard’s The Tempest and was nicknamed “Professor Prospero” could never be spotted walking the grounds of McMaster University without the precious 1861 folio edition of Shakespeare’s works clutched in his hands.

When McMaster University library and bookstore staff begin producing replica versions of his original text on a newly acquired Espresso Book Machine, Emerson’s ghost returns, intent to put a stop to this “desecration” of his beloved text.

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My Review

I said it before, and I will say it again. I’m just a sucker for a good ghost story. Prospero’s Ghost, by Kimberly Footit & Mark Leslie is delightful short story of haunting porportions. It seems a love of literature A tale of a haunted campus library that can be read in one sitting, this story is for ghost lovers everywhere.

Get Them Free

You can find both of these books in the “FREE Reads” on Mark Leslie’s Books2Read author page here: (You can find them both on Amazon, too, but Prospero’s Ghost is .99 cents, instead of free.)


Kaye Lynne Booth does honest book reviews on Writing to be Read in exchange for ARCs. Have a book you’d like reviewed? You can request a review here.