Undawntech: Weaponized Technology for the Growing Mind

What is it about technology that humanity finds so attractive? Is it that our machinations do the hard work for us on assembly lines? Make life easier with central air and heating? Save lives through medicine? Create devices for us to communicate anywhere in the world?

Or has technology become a scourge, instead of the liberator?

Humans are the only apex predators on the planet who use weapons, not tools… but external to ourselves weapons. Science used to postulate that other animals did not use tools, but were surprised when raccoons were observed using rocks to break open shells and apes were observed using sticks to eat ants from tree stumps. Our definition of tool-users should be changed to reflect that humans use “tools” as weapons. Or, when is the last time science studied a knife wielding raccoon or a gun toting ape?

Humans devise technology as offensive and defensive weapons from automobiles, tanks, rockets to the atom bomb. Each can be used to thwart an attack or to attack another. In addition to physical objects created by humans for war, technology can be used to explore, control, and manipulate other humans for the sake of authoritative action.

Several centuries ago, the printing press freed humanity from an elite’s point of view. Humans could rise up against their oppressors and spread new ideas like a virus through whole kingdoms. As time passed, the printing press gave way to the television and eventually to the internet. How times have changed when one person’s opinion on a website can spark a community car wash or boycott of certain goods, services, or stores. 

Technology has allowed humans to band together, as well as fall under ruthless guises. For example, student textbooks published to inform, enlighten, and educate our budding workforce have changed over the course of a century. Data, history, and other forms of information have been removed over the decades to create generations devoid of pertinent and important information about the world, their countries, religion, and communities. Children a few decades ago who knew the exact amount of change they would receive from a cashier are unable to do simple subtraction without the use of a calculator.

See the book: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, by Charlotte T. Iserbyt Thomson, who worked in President Ronald Reagan’s Department of Education, and she chronicled the conspiracy with government documents.

Instead of facts and figures, younger generations are being taught to revel in their emotions, and disregard their intuition and logic. This manipulation only serves those humans who covet power and control over life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. How did this happen? When the printing press, television, and internet were weaponized against other humans by an elite few.

Just like the days of old where the priests and priestesses were the only avenues to the gods, today’s zealots are interested in using our advances in technology to create a false reality. Or, haven’t you questioned Building 7 from the World Trade Towers event in 2001 yet? Later, the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 would solidify intelligence interference in American society, especially politics. With a new Pearl Harbor and propaganda pointed at Americans emplaced, the war on the average human commenced without much uproar, until internet censorship became another weapon of choice.

See, the white paper: The Project for a New American Century.

Readers asked what all the links and information from previous articles meant for the creative writer. If you are not of your own mind, because a few others have convinced you of their world view, then what has that influence done to your creativity? Are you writing your reality, or one thrust upon you, so that you convince others of how the world works? Believing instead of knowing through our own tactile, auditory, olfactory, emotive, and intuitive experience is one way to separate the human from reality. Hence, technology plays a crucial part in the real-life version of my story, “The Reality Hackers” (Visions, WordCrafter Press, 2022).

As creative writers, it is our responsibility to look beyond the constraints of technology and question what is with: What if? The emotional bonds to a construct are difficult to break with logical arguments and evidence. That is where the creative writer can insert… what if.

To illustrate, Global Warming and Climate Change have nothing to do with the combustion engine or fossil fuels. Humanity is not boiling the Earth. The symptomatology does, however, have a direct lineage to subverting the free market business model (capitalism) into a socialist, communist model, where an elite few own and control the means of production of the people. Sound familiar? It is the United Nations’ own Agenda 21, 2030, and MegaRegions 2050, written and planned by communists, the Soviet Union’s Mikhail Gorbachev and Canada’s Maurice Strong.

If people could step out of their own way and realize that the sun controls our planetary weather, including the jet stream, high/low pressure systems, tornadic activity, ocean currents, hurricane development, and earthquakes, then humanity could have an honest conversation about the Magnetic Pole Reversal that Earth is undergoing at the present moment, like it does every six to twelve thousand years, which culminates in the Earth flipping over and the sun releasing a mega flash that would make the Carrington Event look like a bolt of lightning.

For more information, see on YouTube: Suspicious Observers and the Thunderbolts Project to catch up on real anthropological, geological, meteorological, and astrophysical space science.

These are some scary facts, and humanity is being misled about our future on this planet. The fact is: Earth is always evolving, changing through the creation and destruction of its elements. Therefore, to make the huge assumption about carbon and humans having enough effect on Earth’s climate to cause any issue is juvenile at best, and it is destructive brainwashing at worst. The United Nations IPCC’s politicized white papers about Climate Science is not about pollution. It is about how to control how other humans believe, think, and view the world. It is nothing short of hubris.

So, creative writers… what do you believe?

We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”-William J. Casey, CIA Director

In the end, it is not about what you believe; it is what you know that creates the change you are looking for in the world. Humans have enough weaponized technology to make you believe anything, if a lie is repeated enough times by a multitude of talking heads. The one technology that has enslaved humans is the one technology that can free humans from the power and control scheme of an elite few, which is the most powerful one on Earth: our brains. Human brains are a wondrous combination of organic material and circuitry that if controlled by others is a dangerous weapon. When our minds are untethered from destructive belief systems, then the quantum computer inside our heads can set humanity free from the real-life reality hackers.

And you thought that my story was just in my imagination…

The question is: what are you going to do with yours?


My apologies to Kaye Lynne Booth, Robbie Cheadle, and the rest of my audience for April and May’s (non-) articles. I didn’t realize that my illness was working overtime until I easily caught the stomach flu and ended up in the emergency room with a kidney infection. I love educating and informing people, always have. When my disabling illness strikes, it affects many functions and drags me down. With the addition of viral and bacterial infections, I was not my usual charming self. It happens. Sorry.

Have a great and wonderful day,

DL Mullan


DL Mullan holds a Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning with Technology. 

Her lecture, Spacescapes: Where Photography Ends; Imagination Begins, debuted at the Phoenix Astronomy Society, which then led to her Sally Ride Festival lecture invitations. Her presentation, Bridging the Gap between Technology and Women, won her accolades at a community college’s Student Success Conference. She has been a panelist at speculative fiction, science fiction, and other regional conventions. Her digital exhibition pieces have won awards at convention art shows, as well as garnered her Second Premium at the Arizona State Fair. Currently, Ms. Mullan’s artistic renditions are seen on book covers, blog sites, video presentations, and various merchandise. As an independent publisher, she uses her technical background to innovate the creative arts.

As a writer, DL Mullan loves to stretch her imagination and the elasticity of genres. She writes complex multi-genre stories in digestible and entertaining forms, be it poetry, short fiction, or novels. Her science, history, mythology, and paranormal research backgrounds are woven into her writings, especially in Undawnted’s Legacy Universe. Ms. Mullan’s creative endeavors are available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. She is also an award-winning poet.

Be sure to subscribe to her newsletters and follow her on social media. For further information, visit her at www.undawntech.com and www.undawnted.com.


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This segment of “Un dawn tech” is sponsored by The D.I.Y. Author and WordCrafter Press.

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2 Comments on “Undawntech: Weaponized Technology for the Growing Mind”

  1. Hi Dawn, an interesting article.

    Liked by 1 person

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