Book Review: Roll

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About the Book

Octagonal mesh background with a man with a cloak and sword facing down green creatures crawling down from the upper left corner.
Text: Hex World Book 1 Roll, Kevin J. Anderson

It was supposed to be just another Sunday night fantasy role-playing session between friends…

But after years of playing, the game had become so real to David, Tyrone, Scott, and Melanie that all their creations now had existences of their own.

And when the four outside players decide to end their game, the characters inside the game world—warriors, scholars, and the few remaining wielders of magic—band together to keep their land from vanishing.

Now they must embark on a desperate quest for their own magic. Magic that can twist the Rules enough to save them all from the evil that the players created to destroy their entire realm.

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My Review

Roll, Book 1 in Kevin J. Anderson’s Hexworld series is an intriguing fantasy about a roll playing game from the other side of the board. I acquired this book as a Kickstarter stretch goal reward from the Dragon Business campaign.

A world was created for the game, and Hexworld takes on a life of it’s own, with the players sending characters on perilous quests for their amusement. But when the players grow bored with game and one decided to end it, destroying the world, three characters vow to fight back and protect Hexworld from total destruction. Delreal, a strong warrior, Vailret, a near-sighted historian, and Bryl, a half-sorcerer set out on a quest to save Hexworld, and their stronghold after a band of marauding ogres take it over. To do so, they must travel long distances, meet interesting peoples of each hex they travel through, battle a cyclops, and outwit a dragon, all while staying within the rules of the game and their own personal limitations, making new and interesting friends along the way who join them in their quest.

I received a digital copy of Roll as a stretch goal reward from one of Kevin J. Anderson’s Kickstarter campaigns. I found this story and its unusual characters to be enchanting, drawing me back again and again. I give it five quills.


Kaye Lynne Booth does honest book reviews on Writing to be Read in exchange for ARCs. Have a book you’d like reviewed? You can request a review on the Book Review tab above.

2 Comments on “Book Review: Roll”

  1. henhouselady says:

    Thank you for the review.

    Liked by 1 person

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