Welcome to the “Willow of Ashes” Book Blog Tour

Willow of Ashes Book Blog Tour

Welcome to the Willow of Ashes Book Blog Tour, where we will explore and learn about the NecroSeam Chronicles epic fantasy series and more specifically, book 1, the 2019 Writer’s Digest Self-Published eBook Award winning novel, Willow of Ashes, by Ellie Raine. This tour is designed to get the word out about this award winning novel because the award isn’t the end of the story. In fact, it’s just the beginning. Willow of Ashes audiobook is now available on Libro and Google Play, (and will soon be available on Amazon), which is so exciting because it is one more new method of bringing the creative and original universe of Ellie Raine’s to life for readers, and listeners, too!

Willow of Ashes

Five kingdoms face destruction. Two brothers fight to prevent it.

Their epic adventure of magic, love, and loss will become a timeless legend.

I’ve just begun reading this fantasy journey for my review, which you’ll find later in the tour, but already I can see why this book won first place, with one of the most original universes I’ve discovered in many years, and well developed characters that draw the reader in and foster bonds, creating a need to find out what happens next. To respond to that need in her readers, Ellie Raine has created a five book series based on these characters and their Death World. It is a universe where death is viewed quite differently from our concepts of death and the boundaries of the afterlife are perhaps thinner and less distinctive. You can purchase this wonderful fantasy novel, Willow of Ashes, but you may want to purchase the entire NecroSeam Chronicles series, because once you emmerse yourself in Raine’s creative and original fantasy universe, you may want to stay for a while.

The five realms of Land, Sky, Ocean, Dream, and Death have been at peace for centuries, but that peace is threatened when dark forces seek to destroy it. The Gods have chosen a champion to protect the world, yet unexpectedly that champion was born as twin necromancers whose magic was split at birth. Only together would they be strong enough to survive what’s to come. But now one of them has died… and his soul became trapped inside his brother.

The coexisting twins embark on a journey across the five realms, determined to be normal again. But their quest of hope turns into a living nightmare when they stumble into an army of undead beasts that have been unleashed on the lands by a vicious sorceress. With the help of new comrades and a mysterious lady Reaper skilled with the scythe, they must fight for more than a new life. Now they fight for the future of the realms themselves.

Willow of Ashes Review

Willow of Ashes is the perfect introduction into this remarkably fresh epic fantasy universe. This tour will be running through the 14th, so stick with us to learn more about this award winning book and its author. Later in the week we’ll reveal more about the characters and their universe at each blog tour stop; with an author interview with Robbie Cheadle on Robbie’s Inspiration, more information about Willow of Ashes on This is my Truth Now, Pictures from the Kitchen and Roberta Writes, as well as my own review of the book right here on Writing to be Read. So, prepare to venture into a fresh new fantasy universe and join us for the rest of the tour.


Book your WordCrafter Book Blog Tour today!

10 Comments on “Welcome to the “Willow of Ashes” Book Blog Tour”

  1. Looking forward to seeing everyone on the tour.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Hi Kaye, a lovely introduction to the tour. This sounds like a wonderful fantasy series.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Ellie Raine says:

    Thanks for the fabulous introduction, Kaye! Happy to be here!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. […] Day 1: https://writingtoberead.com/2021/03/08/welcome-to-the-willow-of-ashes-book-blog-tour/ […]

    Liked by 1 person

  5. […] to wrap things up and recap the highlights about the book. We covered the basics about this book in my introductory tour post on Day #1. This award winning fantasy novel is book one of the NecrSeam Chronicles series, and it is […]


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