Book Review: The Inheritors

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About the Book

One young boy’s beliefs about himself and the universe changes the structure of reality.

A shapeshifting monster driven by primal desires shatters concepts of intelligent design and becomes an incarnation of vengeance.

A child with a strange gift is abducted from home and must learn to co-exist with beings far different from himself.

A boy exposed to dark magic and demonic rituals must tread carefully or become the thing he fears.

Creatures from the end of time travel through human history kidnapping children to save a bizarre future world.

Physics, mysticism, biological science, and theology are woven into a dark, thought-provoking novel taking readers on a journey they could have never imagined possible, challenged to rethink everything they thought they knew about history, time, space, and the nature of life itself.

“Reminiscent of the works of Pynchon, Clarke, and Vonnegut,…” – Clarabelle Miray Field, award winning poet and Editor-in-Chief, Carmina Magazine

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My Review

The Inheritors, by Joseph Carrabis is a unique journey beyond the consciousness of man. This is a story that will make you think and perhaps ponder your very existence as Carrabis reveals his vision of the universe and what’s really going on through the complicated and often confusing universe he has created.

Out of a cave comes the first woman who can think and truly see the universe, who is scorned for her gift to the few who possess a higher way of thinking, we see a different picture of our own universe. When right and wrong become two sides of the same coin and it’s hard to determine who the good guys are, and thinking outside the box upsets the status quo, you’ll be introduced to a universe where gods are created.

A unique tale with philosophical undercurrents, The Inheritors is literary entertainment that makes you think about the way we think. Highly entertaining. I give it five quills.


Kaye Lynne Booth does honest book reviews on Writing to be Read in exchange for ARCs. Have a book you’d like reviewed? You can request a review here.