Book Review: Peacemaker’s Dream

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About the Book

If you like fast paced historical fiction… this hidden gem will have you burning the midnight oil!

She was young, smart and principled.
They were out to get her. She never gave up… and neither did they
In a story based on fact, you will discover the heart wrenching account of the struggles of a nation under siege unprepared for the sophistication of its invader. Their most effective weapon was a young girl who has mistakenly been portrayed as a cartoon character in modern culture…
The record is now being put straight.

You will cry at her loves and losses, you will smile at her mischief, but you will finally know the truth!

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My Review

The beautiful cover on this book is what drew me to it on Freebooksie. I thoroughly enjoyed every word of Peacemaker’s Dream: The Story of the True First Lady of America, by Sue Wright. This book tells a the story of the life of Pocahantas, an interesting and often misunderstood period in American history. It made me rethink my ideas about that first Thanksgiving, I can tell you that.

A young Powhaten Indian princess believed to have been prophesied to be the link for peace between her people and the strange white settlers who have invaded their lands. That’s a lot of weight placed on a young girl’s shoulders. But the white settlers began early on in a pattern of greed, trickery, and broken promises, and they do not hesitate to use a young squaw for leverage to get what they want. Taken from her people and abused both mentally and physically, Pocahantas draws strength from the belief in her destined role of peacemaker for her people and tries to make a new life for herself among the white settlement with the constant threat of having it all taken away looming over her.

I always knew Pocahantas played a role in the foundations of America, but I did not realize how great one young Pohowtan girl’s sacrifice for peace was. I give Peacemaker’s Daughter five quills.

Five circles with WordCrafter quill logo in each one.


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