Announcing the Winner of the 2024 WordCrafter Short Fiction Contest

Congratulations to the Winners!

I’m excited to announce that the winner of the 2024 WordCrafter Short Fiction Contest is M.J. Mallon, with her story, “The Seagull Man” – an exquistly dark short story. Runners-up have also been invited to be included in the anthology and a select few were asked to revise and submit for round two amd may be included, depending on how much room we have after all invitational submissions have been considered.

Runners-up included:

  • “The Fae Game”, by Danaeka Scrimshaw
  • “The Peddler”, by Peter McKay
  • “The Blackest Ink”, by Paul Martz
  • “Antepenultimate”, by Molly Ertel

We had a good number of submissions to the contest this year, and together with the stories submitted by invitation, we’re going to have a deliciously dark fiction anthology come October. I am going through the invitational submissions now.

Call for Submissions

Its the start of a new year and time to announce the call for submissions for the annual WordCrafter Press short fiction contest. For 2024, the theme will be dark fiction of any genre: Dark Fantasy, Science Fiction, Paranormal, Dark Humor, Horror, Noir… I’ll even accept romance, if the story is dark.

The submission deadline is April 30, and the as yet, untitled anthology will be released in October. All submissions will be considered for publication, and the winning story is guaranteed a spot in the anthology. Follow the submission guidelines below.

Submission Guidelines

WordCrafter Press is looking for original short stories with dark elements. Previously unpublished stories only.

Genres: Any genre as long as the story is dark.

Length: up to 5000 words

Submission Deadline: April 30, 2024

Pay: Royalty share

Rights: First Anthology Rights and audio rights as part of the anthology; rights revert to author one month after publication; publisher retains non-exclusive right to include in the anthology as a whole. 

Open to submissions from January 1 through April 30, 2024.  

Submit: A Microsoft Word or RTF file in standard manuscript format to

If you don’t know what standard manuscript format is, review, for example,

Multiple and simultaneous submissions accepted.

Find some helpful tips for submitting short fiction here, but mainly just follow the guidelines.


Submit your story with a cover letter to with “Submission: [Your Title]” in the subject line and pay the $5 entry fee below.



Contest Entry

Enter the 2024 WordCrafter Short Fiction Contest for a chance at an invitation to the Visions anthology and a grand prize $25 gift card.
