Book Review: The Light is Dimmer

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About the Book

Embark on an unforgettable journey in The Light is Dimmer, a captivating blend of literary fiction and fantasy that will leave you breathless. In a world where corruption runs deep, Lucky Barlowe, an orphaned teenager, finds himself caught in a web of deceit and treachery that even the gods are entangled in.

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My Review

The Light is Dimmer, by Samara Katherine was a very different kind of book for me. I don’t remember how I came by this ebook, but I know it was the cover that drew me to it. A burning crown. Somehow that image raised my curiosity and I wanted to read this story.

It turns out to be à journey into mythological fantasy, with god’s and goddesses who are all too human in many ways. When gods and humans mix, there’s no telling what will happen. But, these gods are not infallible and they make their share of mistakes in god-sized proportions. And when they go mad, they do that in god-sized proportions, as well.

Lucky is an orphan, living in the streets when the Siren chose to bless him, turning his poor but simple life upside down. A god and a mortal, both seeking love and family, both injured by losses. Can they each learn to trust again and let themselves be loved?

The writing style of this author was off-putting to me. This might just be a personal thing, but I found it hard to discern who was speaking a lot, and found myself having to reread to keep things straight in my mind. I also found it a bit puzzling when the character whom I thought was the protagonist was killed off not even halfway through the book. I later could see why the author had structured the tale in this manner, but I still thought it an odd choice.

A story with unusual structure and style, which unravels nicely in the end. I enjoyed reading The Light Is Dimmer. Quite different from anything that I’ve read before. I give it three quills.


Kaye Lynne Booth does honest book reviews on Writing to be Read in exchange for ARCs. Have a book you’d like reviewed? You can request a review here.