Book Review: Hex in the City

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About the Book


Michael Andrews and Gail Sommers have finally found the love that had eluded them for so long.

But their romance has uncovered an ancient evil curse neither of them could have anticipated. It does more than bring down a plague on their houses – it unleashes something far more sinister that can destroy humanity.

Now they must choose: battle the evil forces out to destroy them, or continue to meet in secret while the rest of the world burns.

If you like thrilling action, paranormal adventure, and quirky humor, you’ll love Hex and the City. Read it today!

Though this is book six in a series, it can be enjoyed as a stand alone novel. A “the story so far” summary is available for readers.

Purchase Link:

My Review

Hex in the City, by Mark Leslie and Julie Straus, is Book 6 in Mark Leslie’s Canadian Werewolf series. Admittedly, I have read all of the novels which came before this one in the series, so I had a pretty good idea of what to expect, but Leslie and Straus never fail to fill their pages with supernatural surprises.

After listening to the audio version of the first book Leslie co-authored with Straus, Lover’s Moon, they became the voices of Michael Andrews and Gail Sommers for me. As I read the digital version of Hex in the City, I could hear the authors’ voices in my head, I swear, and that made the story ever so much more real for me. In book 6, Gail and Michael have found each other once more and are determined to be happy together. But, once again, forces beyond their control just seem to get in the way.

But in this book, more is revealed about two of the supporting characters, who have been there, but taken a back seat, all along, Gail’s BFF, Isabeau, and her brother, Ben. And in learning more aboutn these two, many of the missing pieces of Gail’s past fall into place. And we also learn a thing or two about Michael’s mysterious traveling friend, Buddy, who always seems to show up in the right place, at the right time. After reading this book, I have more of the pieces to the puzzle, I still hae the feeling that there is so much more to this story.

Enjoyably entertaining, as are all the books in this series. It’s so much fun to watch the story unfold between the two main characters, who by book 6, are starting to feel like good friends. I give Hex in the City five quills.


Kaye Lynne Booth does honest book reviews on Writing to be Read in exchange for ARCs. Have a book you’d like reviewed? You can request a review here.

Book Review: Lover’s Moon

Lover’s Moon is a part of Mark Leslie’s Canadian Werewolf series, with co-author Julie Strauss. This is the romance story that tells the tale of how the two lovers, Michael and Gail met. And since one of the lovers is a werewolf, I guess that makes it a werewolf romance.

Although the audio book has a version narrated by professional narrators, the version I listened to was a free podcast version on Spotify, narrated by the authors. Mark narrates Michael’s parts and Julie narrates the parts for Gail, and for me, they will always be the voices of those characters, because they did an amazing job.

Technically, this might be considered a podcast review. I mean, what do you call it when the authors release a serialized version of their audio book in a podcast format for their readers for free? I call it brilliant!

You too can enjoy this delightfully entertaining werewolf romance for free, and read by the authors here:

Lover’s Moon

You can purchase a copy of Lover’s Moon in ebook, print, or audiobook format here:

My Review

After listening to the audio book, Canadian Werewolf in New York, I was in love with the characters of Micheal and Gail, and I was left with many questions. Michael was the P.O.V. character, so you knew where he was coming from, and he obviously has still has feelings for his old flame, and regrets for having to end the relationship. Gail appears again after a long period when she had been out of the picture and her character was a bit more unpredictable. It was clear that there is history between these two, and I wanted to know more.

Lover’s Moon is the tale of how Michael and Gail met, their relationship and their break-up. If you’ve never read a werewolf romance, this quirky tale might be just for you. Lefebvre’s Canadian Werewolf series isn’t horror with a lot of blood and guts, but stories told with a touch of humor from the human perspective of the werewolf, and Michael’s relationship with Gail is a touching one, with the ups and downs of a roller-coaster. Their story will steal your heart. It did mine. And co-writing with Julie Strauss, having her write, and narrate, the chapter’s that are Gail’s perspective absoulutely works. Her portrayal of Gail in the narration is priceless.

Lover’s Moon, by Mark Leslie and Julie Strauss, is a quirky werewolf romance that will steal readers’ hearts, and create a dire urge to read or listen to the rest of the series. What more could a reader ask for? I give it five quills.


Kaye Lynne Booth does honest book reviews on Writing to be Read in exchange for ARCs. Have a book you’d like reviewed? You can request a review here.